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Breakthrough infections can lead to long COVIDs.Genes may explain serious illness in young and healthy adults


Computer images created by Trinity College Dublin and Nexus Science Communication show a structural model of betacoronavirus, a type of virus associated with COVID-19. It is well known as the coronavirus associated with the outbreak of Uhan and is shared with Reuters. February 18, 2020. Via NEXU Science Communication / REUTERS

October 27 (Reuters)-The following is a summary of some recent studies on COVID-19. They require further research to support the findings and include studies that have not yet been certified by peer review.

Breakthrough infections can lead to long COVIDs

Persistent syndrome of COVID-19 sequelae, known as long COVID, can develop after a “breakthrough” infection in vaccinated people, new studies show. Researchers at the University of Oxford in the United Kingdom reviewed data on approximately 20,000 US COVID-19 patients, half of whom were vaccinated. Compared to unvaccinated patients, fully vaccinated people, especially those under the age of 60, have deaths and lung failure, ventilator needs, ICU admission, life-threatening blood clots, attacks, etc. The risk of serious complications was low. Psychosis. “On the other hand,” the research team reported: Tuesday medRxiv Prior to the peer review, “Previous vaccinations include long COVID characteristics, arrhythmia, arthralgia, type 2 diabetes, liver disease, sleep disorders, mood disorders, anxiety disorders, etc. It doesn’t seem to prevent that result. “The long lack of protection from COVID is” a concern given the high incidence and burden of these persistent problems, “they added.

Genes may explain important COVID-19 in young and healthy adults

New discoveries suggest that genes that help the coronavirus replicate itself may contribute to the life-threatening COVID-19 of young and otherwise healthy people. French researchers surveyed 72 inpatient COVID-19 patients under the age of 50. Of these, 47 are severely ill, 25 are non-severe, and there are 22 healthy volunteers. No patient had a chronic condition known to increase the risk of poor outcome, such as heart disease or diabetes. Genetic analysis identified five genes that were significantly “upregulated” or more active in patients with serious illness. The most frequent of these was a gene called ADAM9.As reported Science Translation Medicine Tuesday, Researchers have seen the same genetic pattern in another group of 154 COVID-19 patients, including 81 with severe illness. Later, in laboratory experiments with human lung cells infected with the coronavirus, it was found that blocking the activity of the ADAM9 gene made it difficult for the virus to make a copy of itself. Further research is needed to confirm their findings and determine if it is worth developing a treatment that blocks ADAM9, they say.

Pregnant women benefit from substandard vaccination

According to a new study, women who receive the first dose of the mRNA COVID-19 vaccine during pregnancy or lactation need a second dose to restore normal protective effects.Researchers compared the immune response of Moderna Inc to the mRNA vaccine (MRNA.O) Or Pfizer (PFE.N) Our partner, BioNTech SE, is 84 pregnant women, 31 breastfeeding women, and 16 non-pregnant lactating women of similar age. After the first shot, everyone developed antibodies against the coronavirus. However, antibody levels were lower in pregnant or lactating women. Other features of the immune response also delayed in pregnant and lactating women after the first dose, but successfully “caught up” after the second injection.In a report released last weekScientific translation medicineResearchers explained that “substantial immunological changes occur during pregnancy” because the mother’s body raises the foetation. New discoveries suggest that pregnancy alters the immune system’s response to the vaccine. Given that pregnant women are extremely vulnerable to complications from COVID-19, taking a second dose on schedule “has a significant need,” the researchers said. increase.

Coronavirus found to infect fat cells

Obesity is a known risk factor for the more severe COVID-19. One possible reason could be that the virus can infect fat cells. In laboratory experiments and autopsy of patients who died of COVID-19, they found that the virus infects two types of cells found in adipose tissue. Mature fat cells called fat cells and immune cells called macrophages. “The adipocyte infection caused a pronounced inflammatory response that matched the type of immune response seen in severe cases of COVID-19,” said Dr. Catherine Blish of Stanford University School of Medicine. Monday bioRxiv Prior to peer review. “These data suggest that adipose tissue infection and associated inflammatory responses may be one of the reasons obese people do not when infected with SARS-CoV-2. “She said.

Click Reuters graphics About the vaccine under development.

(This story modifies the publication date or submission date of the study)

Report by Nancy Rapid; Edited by Bill Berkrot

Our criteria: Thomson Reuters Trust Principles.





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