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What You Need to Know About Pfizer’s Toddler COVID Shots: Recommended? Is it safe?

What You Need to Know About Pfizer’s Toddler COVID Shots: Recommended? Is it safe?
What You Need to Know About Pfizer’s Toddler COVID Shots: Recommended? Is it safe?


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A group of Food and Drug Administration experts conclude that the benefits of the Pfizer vaccine and its ability to prevent significant COVID-19-related consequences “clearly outweigh” the risks of infants, paving the way for firing in Alabama children. I attached it.

A study of 2,268 Pfizer patients aged 5 to 11 years who received two injections every three weeks found that the vaccine was 90.7% effective. The FDA Advisory Board’s recommendations are directed to FDAs considering emergency use authorizations. Given, Alabama officials and doctors can plan to distribute shots.

Tell Edlab: Do you plan to vaccinate your child? Why or why not?

“Vaccines save lives,” said Dr. David Kimberlin, co-director of the Department of Pediatric Infectious Diseases at UAB School of Medicine, at a press conference Wednesday. “So if there is a way to prevent your child from getting sick and dying … I urge parents to talk to their pediatrician.

How does it work? Are there any side effects?

Children receive about one-third of the dose given to teenagers and adults. The study found that the dose generally had mild to moderate side effects, such as fatigue, arm pain, and chills, which lasted only a few days. Children receive two shots for a complete regimen.

Severe side effects, myocarditis, which is rarely reported in some men under the age of 30 within days of receiving a shot, was not seen during the study at ages 5-11. .. However, scientists pointed out that the study was not large enough to detect very rare side effects.

At the prompt of Federal Regulatory Authority, Pfizer and Moderna have expanded the scale of clinical trials in children aged 5 to 11 years. This is a precautionary measure designed to detect rare side effects. The New York Times reported.

With more reviews in the coming days, the FDA plans to approve a vaccine for emergency use early next week.

Dr. Kimberlin referred to “a vast amount of data and information” confirming the safety and efficacy of the COVID-19 vaccine.

“I think we really know more about this vaccine than any other vaccine. We know a lot about all the other vaccines and they are very safe and widely used to prevent death and illness in childhood. I’m doing it, “said Kimberlin.

Why do children need a vaccine?

Studies show that children are generally less susceptible to COVID-19 infection and generally have mild symptoms, but vaccination in this age group may help delay infection in the community.

“Given the proportion of the population represented by the age group of children, the opportunity to increase vaccination rates and immunity within that population is very likely to have a positive impact on the overall likelihood of a particular infection. It will be expensive for the community, “said Kimberlin.

According to the Alabama Public Health Service’s COVID-19 dashboard, Alabama’s positive rate is now 6.2% after a high of over 23% during the summer delta surge. Highly contagious variants also saw more cases and hospitalizations in children than early strains of the virus.

However, the decline in numbers does not mean that children do not need to be vaccinated.

“The virus hasn’t disappeared, it’s still there, but thankfully it’s now at a much lower level,” Kimberlin said. “The next wave is coming … and it’s time to protect yourself and then your child-not when the tsunami hits the beach.”

Kimberlin said schools should continue universal masking until a sufficient number of pediatric populations have been vaccinated, and should consider removing the obligation only when county infections reach low to moderate levels. He added that.

What’s next? How can my child get it?

ADPH said it would follow the recommendations of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention once guidance on vaccination of children was provided.

According to authorities, COVID-19 vaccine providers do not have inventory of pediatric products, but information on the availability of vaccines in the state will be published upon approval.




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