People with anxiety and depression may need a COVID-19 booster shot
- Given the high risk, people with severe mental illness are also eligible for a COVID-19 booster shot.
- Physical and mental health is closely related
research It consistently shows a strong connection between mind and body. - In 2019, the CDC will be around
1 in 5 adults In the United States (51.5 million people) lived with mental illness.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has added mental health disorders such as depression and schizophrenia to the list of health conditions that increase the risk of developing severe COVID-19.
The addition made on October 14 emphasizes the importance of COVID-19 vaccination for individuals with mood disorders.
Given the high risk, people with severe mental illness are also eligible for booster shots.
In 2019, the CDC will be around
“A survey over the past year and a half has found that schizophrenia is one of the schizophrenia, except for age.
It’s not clear exactly why mood disorders make someone more susceptible to severe COVID-19, but scientists believe there are multiple factors.
“Potential includes some impact on the immune system and the victims of chronic stress on the body from mental illness,” he said. Dr. Gail Salz, A clinical associate professor of psychiatry at the NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital, “Would you like help?” Podcast.
according to Dr. Christine FrancisThere are also many health inequality found in people with serious mental health problems, who are child and adolescent psychiatrists at the Huntsman Mental Health Institute at the University of Utah.
People with severe mood disorders often face barriers to access to medical care, making it difficult to buy medications that can improve their condition.
Francis says that many experience housing instability, lack financial security, racial injustice, and food insecurity, which can ultimately reduce the immune response. say.
Symptoms associated with certain mental illnesses may discourage vaccination or engage in more dangerous behaviors that may increase the likelihood of exposure to COVID-19.
COVID-19 is also known to potentially cause neurological problems. inflammation That it can suffer in the brain.
“We also saw studies showing what COVID-19 patients experience. Increased depression, anxiety, and even dementia Within three months of being diagnosed, “Miller said.
Physical and mental health is closely related
“This inseparable relationship means that we need to tackle our physical and mental problems at the same time. If we are not mentally healthy, we are truly physically healthy. You can’t be, and vice versa, “says Miller.
The addition of mental health disorders to the CDC’s list of high-risk conditions means that people with certain mood disorders are eligible for booster shots.
“People with severe major depression, bipolar disorder, or schizophrenia should take booster shots at least 6 months after the last dose,” says Saltz.
Francis recommends that patients experiencing mental illness choose the most comfortable booster shots, or the ones offered if they don’t like it.
According to Salz, people with severe mental illness are more likely to experience the serious consequences of COVID-19, wearing appropriate masks in high-risk environments and crowding when possible. Avoid public places where you have been.
The CDC has added mental health conditions such as depression and schizophrenia to the list of conditions that increase the risk of severe COVID-19. Scientists still clarify why people with mood disorders are more likely to be hospitalized with COVID-19, but mental health is the immune system, along with the health inequality often experienced by people with mood disorders. I suspect it may be related to its impact on. This addition highlights the need for people with mental illness to be vaccinated with COVID-19 and to schedule booster immunization at least 6 months later.
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