Figures are obtained from reports from the Juneau Emergency Operations Center City and Autonomous Region and the Department of Health and Social Services of Alaska, as well as updates from the Alaska Coronavirus Response Hub and the Juneau City and Autonomous Region COVID-19 dashboard.
City number
Alert level: 3-High
New case: 10 residents
Test positive rate: Five%
Cumulative case: 3,718 residents, 307 non-residents
Current hospitalization: Four
New death: 1
Cumulative number of deaths: 14 resident, 1 non-resident
Vaccination information: 84.9% of the Juneau eligible population (73.2% overall) receive the first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine, and 80.7% of the Juneau eligible population (69.5% overall) have completed the complete vaccination series. ..
State code
Alert level: high
New case: 494 residents, 5 non-residents
Test positive rate: 8.66%
Cumulative case: 134,658 residents and 5,267 non-residents
Current hospitalization: 202 202
New death: 6 residents
Cumulative number of deaths: 708 residents, 25 non-residents
Vaccination information: 65.3% (54.4% overall) of Alaska’s eligible population receive the first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine, and 60.4% (50.3% overall) of eligible Alaska complete the complete vaccination series.
— Juneau Empire