Chronic wasting disease is currently in Manitoba. what is that?
Incurable wildlife disease of the name Chronic wasting disease (CWD) was discovered in Manitoba. The impact on humans is unknown, but it can have a significant impact on the state’s deer population.
The state first advised Manitoba that the disease had crossed the border with Saskatchewan on Monday.
They say in mid-October, police officers in the area near Lake of the Prairies found and euthanized an unhealthy man.
Manitoba reports the first case of chronic wasting disease.Prohibit hunting where animals are found
Subsequent examination revealed that the animal had the first known case of CWD in the state.
Dr. Sabine GilchThe Canadian research chairman of the University of Calgary’s Prion Disease Study states that it is a slow-moving, completely deadly infectious neurodegenerative disease that affects deer, elks, mousses, and reindeer.
“Unlike viruses and bacteria, prions do not have genetic material like DNA. They are made up of only proteins and are therefore very robust to decontamination methods.”
“Prions destroy the brain, but this process takes a considerable amount of time.”
Gilch states that it can take years, or perhaps decades, for infected animals to begin to show clinical signs of the disease.
“When the signs begin, the animals die very quickly — within a few months or so.”
According to Gilch, the problem with CWD is that it can move between animals because it is excreted in feces, urine, and saliva.
“This means that prions invade the environment — they bind to the soil and pollute the environment – (this) further promotes infection to other (animals).”
“(Prions) are so stable pathogens that they can survive for years in the environment and remain infectious.”
If a farm deer becomes infected, Gilch says he must kill the entire herd. And even years later, after healthy animals were brought in, new herds could become infected with CWD agents that were still in the soil.
Gilch says this first case probably means it’s not an isolated case.
“This animal was already showing clinical symptoms, which means it was in a very advanced state,” Gilch explains. “This means that it is very likely that there are more infected animals (in Manitoba).”
When Manitoba guardians discovered the disease, the state moved quickly and proposed a ban on deer, elk, caribou, and elk hunting in the area.
“Currently, the focus is on providing information to hunters and harvesters,” a state spokesman told Global News.
“There’s a lot to do and coercion may be part of it, but we expect hunters to understand the reasons for this and the significant risks if the ban is ignored.”
Spokespersons also confirmed that there are no indigenous tax exemptions. This often includes other hunting bans.
For Russell-based hunting groups Big Glass Outfitters, That’s frustrating news.
“Many residents, and those who come to the area, will be frustrated by the inability to hunt,” explains partner Judy Usnier.
Dr. Gilch also doesn’t understand the logic behind the movement.
“My colleagues and I were very surprised. In Alberta, we’re doing the opposite. We’re increasing hunting, reducing deer populations, and ultimately reducing spread.”
The state also advises local hunters to be tested for disease of harvested animals, to practice safe carcass handling, and not to consume animal meat that returns positive results.
The disease has been shown to have no known effect on humans, but Gilch says it can take decades before we get the full story.
Since it was first discovered in Colorado deer in the 1960s, CWD has moved to 26 states in the United States and now to four Canadian states, including Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Quebec.
She says the slow rate at which it spreads gives researchers like her pause.
“Given the time it takes for prion disease to appear in the host … it may be too early to conclude that it was transmitted to humans.”
“At this time, there are no signs that hunters and venison consumers are increasing the incidence of human prion disease.”
However, the model theoretically suggests that animal-to-human transitions can occur in CWD.
Manitoba’s livestock industry does not appear to be affected at this stage either.
The state states that ongoing CWD surveillance already exists on Wapichi farms and no cases of domestic animals have been detected.
CWD can’t infect cattle or other livestock, but the state says it’s certainly something to know.
“The state will need the full cooperation of the general public, including hunters, producers and landowners, to ensure that the disease is contained or eradicated from the area.”
© 2021 Global News, a division of Corus Entertainment Inc.
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