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Child Mercy Vaccines 600 Children on Saturday

Child Mercy Vaccines 600 Children on Saturday


Overland Park, Kansas — Children’s Mercy Hospital The first vaccination clinic for anyone between the ages of 5 and 22 At the location of Overland Park on Saturday.

This week, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommended deploying the COVID-19 vaccine to people between the ages of 5 and 11. The new recommendations affect about 28 million children in the United States.

According to Children’s Mercy staff, 600 children received the first round of Pfizer vaccine.

The clinic reservations for the first Saturday are full in an hour and a half, and the hospital is already full by November.

“Today, I had my 8-year-old child say” thank you “on his way home after vaccination. It’s unheard of and we’re very excited to be part of it, “said Ryan McDonough, Physician Leader at Children’s Mercy COVID-19 Clinic.

Even through tremors and tears, McDonough believes that children understand the value and necessity of being vaccinated.

“It’s about to melt the heart,” McDonough said. “These kids want this vaccine because they know it’s going back to normal.”

Parents Courtney and Dan Mesima say it’s been a while since the day came to vaccinate two boys, Silas and Isaac.

“We believe in science and we are embracing it ourselves. We are now excited to have the opportunity to do this at their age,” said Dan Mesima. “I think I personally updated the screen to sign up for this as soon as possible.”

The pediatric dose of Pfizer vaccine is 10 micrograms compared to the 30 microgram dose given to adults. The dosage is different, but the actual vaccine is basically the same.

According to McDonough, hospitals still have cases of COVID-19 in infants, and although the severity of symptoms may not be as severe as in adults, experts are still worried about the infection. ..

He believes that vaccination of children helps reduce hospitalization and mortality.

“We have children’s life professionals. These are people trained to care for children in these acute, worrying, and frightening situations,” McDonough said.

Staff use a variety of tools to make the experience as painless as possible. They use light-up distractors, shot blockers to distract the brain, use cold spray to paralyze pain, and continue to set the TV to Disney Channel in all rooms.

However, Levi Goldsby, who is accustomed to regular allergy shots, says the vaccine is painless and encourages his friends to take shots.

“I don’t like wearing masks, and yeah, you can’t travel to many places,” Goldsby said.

His mom, Jenna Goldsby, says she wants the vaccine to be a step in the right direction.

“I didn’t expect it to come so soon,” said Jenna Goldsby. “Everyone’s work, everyone’s school was challenged and it was hard.”

The clinic is open to individuals between the ages of 5 and 22. Reservations are required at all clinics.

If you already have an account, you can use self-scheduling on the MyChildrens Mercy Patient Portal. Others can schedule by calling the COVID-19 Scheduling Hotline at 816-302-6300.

Vaccine clinic date, time and location details here..





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