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Alzheimer’s disease is becoming the “worst case”

Alzheimer’s disease is becoming the “worst case”
Alzheimer’s disease is becoming the “worst case”


A new report from Alzheimer’s Disease International points to an increasing number of cases of amnesia and warns of a “perfect storm on the horizon” that requires global efforts to prevent it.

In a World Alzheimer 2021 report released last month, ADI states that more than 55 million people worldwide live with dementia, and that number is expected to grow to 78 million by 2030.

Here in Cayman, 1,053 people were diagnosed with dementia between the third quarter of 2019 and the second quarter of 2021, according to the latest figures released by the Ministry of Health. Most of them are Alzheimer’s disease.

However, the Cayman Islands Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia Association fears that this is only a small part of the true number of Caymans.

The World Health Organization defines dementia as “a syndrome of cognitive decline beyond the usual consequences of biological aging.”

Progressive disability

Some of the symptoms of non-communicable disease include progressive impairment of memory, thinking, and behavior that can adversely affect a person’s ability to perform daily tasks.

According to WHO, Alzheimer’s disease is “the most common form of dementia and can contribute to 60% to 70% of cases.” Globally, WHO states that dementia is the seventh leading cause of death of all illnesses, killing 2 million people on the list of the top 10 causes of death in 2019.

Paola Barbarino, CEO of ADI, said in the World Alzheimer Report 2021:

Dorothy Davis, founder of the Cayman Islands Association for Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia, talked about the issues surrounding the diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease.

“To the community [formal] Diagnosis, this [may be] Behavioral and memory problems are normal because the stigma and family only think that the individual is aging, “she said.

Her comments reflect the results of a global survey, with 75% of people with dementia due to “stigma and lack of awareness,” financial barriers, and lack of access to trained clinicians. , Indicates that it has not been diagnosed in some low- and middle-income countries.

Davis said Cayman compass The true prevalence of Alzheimer’s disease and dementia is unknown in Cayman, but available figures indicate that the average age of diagnosis for men is 65 and for women is 70 in the diagnosed population. I am.

“The youngest person diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease in Cayman is a 40-year-old man who doesn’t live in Cayman because his family couldn’t afford the necessary care,” she said.

She added: “Another young man diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease at the age of 50 is married and has a young child. He can no longer work as a supervisor, but his company continues him … he Whatever he can do until he can’t. “

“Cruel and terrible”

“This is a cruel and terrible illness that requires a lot of love and patience to deal with,” said the wife of a man who was diagnosed with an early onset of the illness at the age of 55. She asked her not to reveal her identity, fearing her husband would suffer the stigma associated with Alzheimer’s disease.

“When he said things to me, I first noticed something was wrong, and when I reminded him, he couldn’t remember what he said, and he It became more and more forgetful, “she said. “I tried MRI at first, but I didn’t see anything. Then, after discussing with his employer, his family, and me, he agreed to do a CT scan that showed signs. bottom.”

She said she had to change his diet and establish a routine for him.

“I’ve seen a video online where a mother forgets her child and her husband forgets his wife, and I’m worried that this might one day be our destiny,” she said. “So, for now, all I can do is love him as much as possible and develop more patience.”

“I hope other people in Cayman understand the seriousness of this disease and are affecting our people here. I hope the government will also intervene and support these families. . “

The pandemic has delayed the diagnosis and treatment of Cayman patients suffering from a variety of cancer-related illnesses. Davis said the Alzheimer’s disease community in the Cayman Islands is experiencing similar problems that leave potential patients undiagnosed.

In its report, ADI said in its report that COVID-19 movement restrictions and blockades after 2020 “significantly blocked access to medical services for people with dementia symptoms,” complete confusion in diagnosis. He said no impact had been seen yet.

In total, 3,542 clinicians participated in an online survey of organizations from 101 different associations of Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. 98% of them claim that the COVID-19 pandemic delayed access for people with cognitive decline for evaluation.

Fight to end Alzheimer’s disease

Approximately 100 years after it was first explained by Dr. Alois Alzheimer, a German neurologist, there is still no cure for Alzheimer’s disease. However, medicine has made great strides in the early detection and treatment of illness.

“At Cayman, we have access to technologies such as MRI and CT scans that can help detect Alzheimer’s disease,” says Davis. “But these tests often cost at least $ 1,000, and even at a 20% out-of-pocket cost, this is an economic barrier that prevents people from being diagnosed.”

Davis said her organization is helping Cayman’s non-wealthy families through a one-time payment to help them get a formal diagnosis. We also support families through training and counseling to teach them how to care for and live with their suffering relatives.

“We often go in and change keys and windows to secure a room and help protect our loved ones,” Davis said. “Our board of directors also has lawyers who can help with issues such as financial planning, drafting wills, and even obtaining orders from a guardian or guardian.”

In April 2021, the University of Miami, Florida published a research paper on how stem cell therapy in animal trials can help fight Alzheimer’s disease.

According to the research paper, “The result is [Mesenchymal Stem Cell] Injections can delay and even change some components of [Alzheimer’s disease] Animal model pathology strengthens the conceptual discussion for the clinical use of MSC therapy for Alzheimer’s disease. “

This new treatment could be a promising solution to end Alzheimer’s disease, but Davis says it’s still a long way off and until then it’s best for people to be diagnosed as soon as possible. Said that it was the solution.

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