Anxiety can be treated with moderate and strenuous exercise, research
Both moderate and strenuous exercise alleviate the symptoms of anxiety, even when the disorder is chronic, according to a study led by researchers at Gothenburg University. The study, currently published in the Journal of Affective Disorders, is based on 286 patients with anxiety syndrome recruited from primary care services in Gothenburg and northern Halland County. Half of the patients lived with anxiety for at least 10 years. Their average age was 39 and 70% were female.Read again- clearly!The secret of Disha Patani’s fitness is now out: watch the video to find out how to shape like her
By lottery, participants were assigned to moderate or intense group exercise sessions for 12 weeks. The results show that even when anxiety was chronic, anxiety symptoms were significantly reduced compared to controls who received physical activity advice according to public health recommendations. Read again- Everything you need to know about diabetes in children and adolescents
Most individuals in the treatment group went from a baseline level of moderate to high anxiety to a low level of anxiety after a 12-week program. For those who exercised at relatively low intensity, the chances of improving anxiety symptoms increased 3.62 times. The corresponding coefficient for those who exercised at higher intensity was 4.88. Participants had no knowledge of the physical training and counseling received by people outside their group. Read again- What is the difference between a mini stroke and a normal stroke? The expert will explain.
Malin Henriksson, PhD student at Gothenburg University’s Sahlgrenska Academy, said: Haaland region, and the first author of the study.
Previous studies of physical activity in depression have shown a clear improvement in symptoms. However, there has been a lack of clear images of how anxious people are affected by exercise. This study has been described as one of the largest studies to date.
Both treatment groups underwent 60-minute training sessions three times a week under the guidance of a physiotherapist. The session included both aerobic (aerobic) and strength training. Following the warm-up, there was a 45-minute circle training at 12 stations, ending the session with a cool-down and stretching.
Members of the group who exercised at moderate levels aimed to reach about 60% of their maximum heart rate. This is a degree of exercise rated as mild or moderate. In the more intensively trained group, the goal was to achieve 75% of maximum heart rate, and this degree of exercise was perceived to be high.
Levels were regularly verified using the Borg scale, an established assessment scale for perceived physical activity, and confirmed on a heart rate monitor.
Today’s standard treatments for anxiety are cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and psychotropic drugs. However, these drugs generally have side effects, and patients with anxiety disorders often do not respond to treatment. Long wait times for CBT can also worsen the prognosis.
The study was led by Maria Aberg, an associate professor at the Sahlgrenska Academy at Gothenburg University, a general medical expert at major medical institutions in the Vastra Gotaland region, and the corresponding author.
“Primary care physicians need personalized, side-effect-free, easy-to-prescribe treatments. Models, including 12 weeks of physical training, regardless of intensity, are suitable for people with anxiety problems. It represents an effective treatment that needs to be made more frequently available in primary health care, “says Aberg.
(With input from ANI)
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