NB COVID-19 Summary: Minister of Health and Chief Health Officer Hold Briefing
Health Minister Dorothy Shepherd and State Health Director Dr. Jennifer Russell are hosting a COVID-19 briefing this afternoon.
According to the Minister of Health, the new Brunswicker, who wanted to throw away the COVID-19 mask immediately, was out of luck.
The mask is here to stay “for the foreseeable future,” Shepherd said.
She commented to reporters on Tuesday asking what the state could do to fight COVID-19. The Moncton region, especially Zone 1, remains a concern, Despite a month Circuit breaker..
“Well, I think we always knew we would end up living with COVID, and I think that’s … an important nuance we have … to be accepted. To be, “she said.
“We also think we now know, with the reality of what happened. [the] delta [variant], That mask is in our future for the foreseeable future. “
Highly contagious variants are causing the fourth wave of pandemics. We also raised the goal of vaccination to achieve so-called herd immunity. In this case, a certain percentage of the vaccinated population protects other non-immune people.
The initial goal was to completely vaccinate 75% of Newbrands Wickers over the age of 12.The new goal is at least 90% of the total population — Not just a qualified population — Double dose.
As of Tuesday afternoon, 75.9 percent of the total population received two doses and 82 percent received one dose. According to CBC Tracker..
The new Brunswicker … has great power in preventing the spread of COVID and its variants. So we seek their help every day.-Dorothy Shepherd, Minister of Health
Shepherd said home infections were responsible for most new cases of COVID-19 in the state and urged everyone to keep the number of contacts as low as possible.
“So I think all we can do is keep reminding Newbrands Wicker that it has a great deal of power to prevent the spread of COVID and other variants.”
Circuit breakers limit personal gatherings and non-essential trips to limit the spread of the virus and prevent more people from being hospitalized, in the Santheande Kent and large St. John area sections, Zone 2, including New River Beach and Lepreau, the Clarendon and Wellsford communities to the north, the Head of Millstream community to the east, and all communities in St. John and Kings County.
It is expected Continue until at least 6 pm on Friday
Health officials need to talk more later this week about whether a circuit breaker is needed in Zone 7 of the Miramichi area, Shepherd said. Occurs at homeless shelters and Nelson Rural Schools.
Masks are mandatory in all indoor public spaces From 11:59 pm on September 21.. Public health recommended the obligation to renew masks so that people could continue to have access to emergency rooms, intensive care units, and hospital beds when needed, Russell said at the time.
523 active cases
Public health reported 52 new cases of COVID-19 on Tuesday, increasing the number of active cases in the state to 523.
16 people are hospitalized for the virus, including 10 in the intensive care unit.
A total of 86.1% of New Brunswickers over the age of 12 are fully vaccinated and 92.9% are first vaccinated.
In New Brunswick, there have been 6,865 confirmed cases of COVID-19 since the outbreak of the pandemic, with 6,220 recovery and 121 COVID-related deaths.
A total of 532,024 lab tests were conducted, including 1,304 on Monday.
Public notice
For a complete list of new and previous publication notices, please visit: New Brunswick Government Website..
Those who have not been fully vaccinated for at least 14 days before possible exposure and have symptoms should take the COVID lab test.They can book appointments online Or you need to call Tele-Care 811 and quarantine while waiting for the test results.
People who are not fully vaccinated and have no symptoms are now Home COVID-19 Rapid Point of Care Inspection (Rapid POCT) Screening kit. If you are not instructed to quarantine from public health, you do not need to quarantine.
All positive point-of-care test results should be confirmed by the polymerase chain reaction in the laboratory. PCR test..
It can take up to 14 days from exposure to COVID-19 to becoming positive, so even if the result returns negative, continue self-monitoring for symptoms and test immediately if symptoms occur. You need to receive it.
Also, avoid visiting vulnerable people’s homes, such as nursing homes, correctional facilities, and shelters, during those 14 days.
For people who have been fully vaccinated at least 14 days before possible exposure, public health should monitor symptoms for 14 days after possible exposure and take a COVID lab test if symptoms occur. I recommend it.
There is no need to quarantine while waiting for test results.
If you are asymptomatic, a rapid test kit is available and does not need to be quarantined.
What to do if you have symptoms
People worried that COVID-19 may be possible Take a self-assessment test online..
According to public health, symptoms of the disease include fever above 38 ° C, new or worsening cough, sore throat, runny nose, headache, new malaise, and dyspnea.
For children, symptoms also include purple markings on the fingers and toes.
People with any of these symptoms should be at home and call 811 or their doctor and follow the instructions.
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