A second HIV patient, in very rare cases, may have “cured” the infection without stem cell therapy.
![A second HIV patient, in very rare cases, may have “cured” the infection without stem cell therapy. A second HIV patient, in very rare cases, may have “cured” the infection without stem cell therapy.](
The patient has not been treated for the infection, but is a rare “elite controller” of the virus, eight years after being first diagnosed, with no signs of active infection and no damage anywhere on the body. There are no signs of a virus. Monday. This happened only once before.
A 30-year-old female in a new study is the second patient described to have achieved this sterilization treatment without the help of stem cell transplants or other treatments. Another patient who is said to have achieved this was a 67-year-old woman named Lauren Willenberg.
“Sterile treatment for HIV has so far been observed only in two patients who received a highly toxic bone marrow transplant. Our study shows that even in the absence of a bone marrow transplant (or any type). It has been shown that such treatments can be reached during spontaneous infections. Dr. Xu Yu of MIT’s Ragon Institute of Massachusetts General Hospital and the author of this study, Harvard, emailed CNN on Monday. ..
“Examples of such naturally occurring therapies are not elusive in the current efforts to find cures for HIV infection, and the prospect of reaching the” AIDS-free generation “will ultimately succeed. It suggests that there is a possibility, “Yu wrote.
Yu, Dr from Argentina. Natalia Laufer and her colleagues analyzed blood samples collected from HIV patients aged 30 years between 2017 and 2020. She gave birth to a baby in March 2020, allowing scientists to collect placental tissue as well.
The patient had not been treated with anti-retrovirus until 2019, when she became pregnant and began treatment with tenofovir, emtricitabine, and raltegravir. After giving birth to a healthy HIV-negative baby, she discontinued treatment.
The patient was first diagnosed with HIV in March 2013. Analysis of billions of cells in her blood and tissue samples showed that she had previously been infected with HIV, but during the analysis, researchers did not find a intact virus that could replicate. .. They found only seven defective proviruses. It is a type of virus that is integrated into the genetic material of the host cell as part of the replication cycle.
Researchers don’t know how the patient’s body was able to clearly get rid of the intact, replicative virus, but “I think it’s a combination of different immune mechanisms-cytotoxic T cells. Cells may be involved, and innate immune mechanisms may also contribute, “Yu wrote in an email.
“By increasing the number of individuals with potential sterilization treatment, it will be easier to find immune factors that lead to this sterilization treatment in a wider population of people living with HIV.”
About 38 million people worldwide are infected with HIV. If untreated, the infection can lead to acquired immunodeficiency syndrome or AIDS. Last year, about 690,000 people worldwide died of AIDS-related illnesses.
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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online
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