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Depression: Seasonal Depression: Why It Occurs and How to Manage Symptoms

Depression: Seasonal Depression: Why It Occurs and How to Manage Symptoms


As the weather cools and the days get shorter, some people find that they have less energy and feel less positive than usual. These feelings may be temporary, but one in three always suffers from certain problems from autumn to winter. depression Known as Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD).

Symptoms of SAD vary from mild to severe, but usually include the following:
*Bad mood,

* Loss of interest or joy in what you enjoyed before,

* Change in appetite (usually eating more than usual),

* Sleep changes (usually too much sleep),

* I feel it is not worth it.

Researchers are not yet clear about the cause of SAD, but it can be complex and multifaceted. Some studies have caused dysfunction of the hypothalamus (the area of ​​the brain that regulates biological processes such as mood, sleep, and appetite) or the production of melatonin (the hormone that controls the sleep and wake cycle). It suggests that there is a possibility. Pineal gland of the brain). Some researchers have theorized that the circadian rhythm may be disturbed. This is a natural internal process that regulates the sleep and wake cycle.

Of course, other factors may also be involved. For example, some studies have shown that women are more likely to experience SAD, but due to the lack of specific studies, whether or not these gender differences actually exist, if any. The reason is unknown.

Overcome it

Some people find that their symptoms begin to improve as the seasons change and spring approaches. However, this does not mean that during the winter there is not much that people can do to deal with their symptoms.

For people with SAD, the main recommended treatments include psychological interventions (such as conversational therapy) or taking medications (such as antidepressants). Studies show that cognitive-behavioral therapy (which focuses on challenging our miserable thoughts and changing behavior) is an effective treatment for SAD.

In one study, researchers followed up one year later when cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) was compared to phototherapy, another treatment sometimes used for SAD, including sitting in front of or under the box. When it emits a very bright light, which has been shown to be associated with significantly lower depression, about 20-30 minutes or more per day).

An important part of CBT is supporting patients with a technique called behavioral activation. It aims to improve mood by encouraging people to organize their day and engage in meaningful and enjoyable activities (such as hobbies). Studies also show that certain antidepressants (especially SSRIs) may be particularly effective in treating the symptoms of SAD.

Currently, phototherapy is also being considered as a treatment for SAD. Given that it is still a new treatment, studies on its effectiveness as a monotherapy for SAD are inconsistent. However, one study has shown that phototherapy may be an effective way to manage SAD symptoms when used in combination with antidepressants. Phototherapy is usually not available on the NHS. Therefore, if you want to try it, select only products that are medically approved for the treatment of SAD and follow the instructions for use or consult your doctor.

Besides seeking professional help, there are several things you can do to help people deal with SAD during the day.

Going out and basking in natural light is one of the things that people experiencing SAD can do for themselves. According to one study, more natural light during the day may improve symptoms. The researchers in this study had participants go for an hour’s outdoor walk daily or use a low-dose artificial lighting box for 30 minutes a day for a week.

Participants who went for a daily walk showed a significant improvement in all depressive symptoms compared to those exposed to artificial light. I don’t know exactly why sunlight improves symptoms, but this may be a simple and effective way people can improve their mood every day.

Studies also show that lifestyle factors (such as exercise level and diet) can play an important role in both the cause and management of depression. Especially with regard to SAD, there is some evidence to suggest that exercise (alone or in combination with phototherapy) may improve symptoms.

Again, it’s still unclear why this is the case. However, studies have shown that it may be related to changes in circadian rhythms. A review examining the effects of exercise on depression noted both psychological (such as distraction from negative thoughts and exercise that provides a means of socializing) and physiological (such as changes in endorphin and cortisol levels). It has been.

There are many things you can do to manage the symptoms of SAD during the winter, but it is important to talk to your doctor about your symptoms and feelings, especially if your symptoms do not improve or if your condition becomes difficult to manage.

(This article is syndicated by the AP of The Conversation)





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