Tea and coffee can lead to a reduced risk of stroke and dementia – Research | Health
According to the largest study of this type, drinking coffee or tea may be associated with a reduced risk of stroke and dementia.
While stroke causes 10% of deaths worldwide, dementia is one of the world’s largest health challenges, with 130 million people expected to live with stroke by 2050.
The survey tracked 365,000 people between the ages of 50 and 74 for more than 10 years. Initially, participants in the UK Biobank survey self-reported the amount of coffee and tea they drank. During the study, 5,079 of them developed dementia and 10,053 had at least one stroke.
Researchers have found that people who drank 2-3 cups of coffee or 3-5 cups of tea a day, or a combination of 4-6 cups of coffee and tea, have the lowest risk. Stroke or dementia..
People who drank 2-3 cups of coffee and 2-3 cups of tea daily had a 32% lower risk of stroke. These people had a 28% lower risk of dementia than those who did not drink tea or coffee.
Yuan Zhang et al. Of Tianjin Medical University in China suggest that drinking coffee alone or in combination with tea is also associated with a reduced risk of dementia after stroke.
As written in the journal Plos Medicine, the author states: “Our findings suggest that moderate intake of coffee and tea, either separately or in combination, reduces the risk of stroke and dementia.”
However, scientists have warned that UK Biobank reflects relatively healthy samples compared to the general population, which may limit their ability to generalize these associations. Coffee and tea may prevent stroke, dementia, and post-stroke dementia, but researchers say the associations cannot be used to conclude a causal relationship.
Professor Tara Spires-Jones, UK dementia The Institute’s Program Leader and Deputy Director of the University of Edinburgh’s Discovery Brain Science Center, who was not involved in the study, described it as “interesting” and “well done,” but for tea and coffee, stroke and dementia. Fully understand the potential biological link to risk.
Kevin McConway, an emeritus professor of applied statistics at the Open University, was not involved in the study either, but found that the association between stroke and dementia risk did not increase or decrease evenly with tea or coffee. Said showed.
“Instead, what generally happened was that people who drank moderately small amounts of coffee or tea had a lower risk of stroke and dementia than those who did not drink at all, but at a certain level of consumption. Later, the risk began to increase, again until it was higher than the risk to those who drank nothing.
“When coffee consumption reaches 7-8 cups a day, the risk of stroke is greater than those who did not drink coffee and much higher than those who drank 2-3 cups a day.”
Dr. Rosa Sancho, Principal Investigator at Alzheimer’s Research UK, said: “For most of us, the risk of dementia depends on complex interactions of age, genetics, and lifestyle. Which aspect of our lifestyle has the greatest impact on our brain health. Understanding what to give is the key to helping people make informed decisions about their lives. “
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