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Pennsylvania Follows CDC Guidelines, Other States Open COVID-19 Booster Shots to Everyone – CBS Pittsburgh

Pennsylvania Follows CDC Guidelines, Other States Open COVID-19 Booster Shots to Everyone – CBS Pittsburgh
Pennsylvania Follows CDC Guidelines, Other States Open COVID-19 Booster Shots to Everyone – CBS Pittsburgh


Pittsburgh (KDKA) —Several states across the country are opposed to the CDC guidelines and are open to booster shots for everyone over the age of 18.

However, a spokesperson for the Pennsylvania Department of Health said the state continued to follow the rules.

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KDKA’s Amy Wadas: Do you think Pennsylvania should open up for qualifications?

Joseph: absolutely.

Joseph wasn’t the only one in the community that KDKA spoke to on Tuesday to feel this way. Beth Slaby said he was already taking boosters because of his underlying health.

“I really don’t know why they don’t open it, but I think getting a booster right now is the only thing that can help quell this pandemic,” Slav said. ..

If you have been vaccinated with a double dose of Moderna or Pfizer vaccine, the CDC will give you a primary series if you are 65 years of age or older, have basic health, are working, or live in high altitude. We are instructing adults to take booster shots 6 months after completion. -Risk setting.

If you take a single-dose shot of Johnson & Johnson, the CDC states that all adults should get a booster at least two months after rolling up their sleeves.

“At this point, I think it’s correct to follow the CDC guidelines,” said Brian Lamb, a physician at the Allegheny Health Network.

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According to Lam, the guidelines were created for some reason.

“Just saying that all adults over the age of 18 need to get a booster right now doesn’t really match what science is showing at this point,” Lam said.

Doctors said science points out that COVID-19 is at greatest risk of getting sick. He said they are currently people who fall under the CDC guidelines and are not young adults who do not have an underlying health condition.

“If you’re a young, healthy person, not at high risk, and you get two mRNA shots, you can be confident that you have some protection,” Lam said.

Dr. Lam said Pennsylvania is a large state and needs to be strategic.

“It’s not necessarily a shortage, but it will increase the waiting time to enter the room. We need to restart a large vaccine clinic and inoculate everyone,” said Dr. Lam.

Dr. Lam wants to reassure people who already have boosters and don’t meet the CDC guidelines.

KDKA also contacted the Allegheny County Health Department and issued a statement.

“For weeks, Dr. Bogen has advised everyone eligible for a booster, including those over the age of 65 and those with immunodeficiency, to get the booster as soon as possible. She continues to do so today. We continue to share our message. Throughout the pandemic, the Allegheny County Health Department has been in step with the Department of State. We have regular meetings, frequent meetings and planning together. We will continue to do so. Therefore, we continue to urge everyone to follow all COVID-related CDC guidelines, from masking to social distance expansion and immunization. “

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The New York Times reported late Tuesday The FDA aims to approve a booster dose of Pfizer’s vaccine for all adults as early as Thursday.





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