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Pancreatic cancer has the lowest survival rate of all major cancers.It’s time to raise awareness about it


55-year-old dad David and Caitlin Loei, who died of pancreatic cancer in April.


55-year-old dad David and Caitlin Loei, who died of pancreatic cancer in April.

Only 33 days after David Loei was diagnosed Pancreatic cancer, He died.

His daughter, Caitlin, who is still dealing with shock and sadness, said last year she didn’t even know that pancreatic cancer was present.

“Now it has rewritten my life,” said the 21-year-old. “I’m not going home anymore.”

Pancreatic cancer It is called an undetectable killer. In most cases the cause is unknown and few early detection methods are available. The most common pancreatic cancer begins in the cells of the pancreatic duct and spreads to the rest of the pancreas.

It also has the lowest survival rate of all major cancers by 2025. Intestinal Cancer Foundation – A group focused on raising awareness of all cancers of the digestive system – pancreatic cancer was expected to be the fourth most common cause of cancer-related deaths in Aotearoa.

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* “He deserves more time”: Everyone in the family warns that they are too young for intestinal cancer
* I lost two mothers with ovarian cancer before I was 30 years old
* Pancreatic Cancer-A Killer Not Detected by Doctors

On Thursday, the cable car tunnel will light purple to raise awareness of pancreatic cancer.


On Thursday, the cable car tunnel will light purple to raise awareness of pancreatic cancer.

To commemorate World Pancreatic Cancer Day on November 18th, the landmarks of Auckland, Brenham, Christchurch, Dunedin, New Plymouth and Rotorua will be lit up in purple. In Wellington, the lights on the cable car tunnel turn purple.

Before his 55-year-old dad was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer this year, Loei said the only cancers that came to his mind were previously family-affecting cancers such as breast and lymphoma.

“After he was diagnosed with prediabetes and read about pancreatic cancer, it’s a fairly common symptom,” Loei said.

Other symptoms include low back pain, indigestion, unexplained weight loss, loss of appetite, abdominal pain, jaundice, and stool changes.

According to Loei, doctors admitted that the father’s tumor may have been at least 18 months before the diagnosis.

She said he went to countless doctor appointments and was hospitalized many times. However, his pancreatic cancer had not yet been discovered.

He died in April, a month before her graduation.

David Loei died 33 days after his diagnosis.


David Loei died 33 days after his diagnosis.

While the Lower Hutt woman was still dealing with her grief, she said she was pushing it with the goal of raising more awareness about pancreatic cancer.

“We want to make sure we have a chance to save someone who is suffering from pancreatic cancer or who may soon be diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, even if no one can save it. For my dad. Can’t-I hope I can do it for someone else. “

Loei advised people to notice the symptoms. “Life is short. If you’re not sure, talk to your doctor and trust your instincts.”


The government has announced a $ 14.4 million investment in new scientific research, including cutting-edge CAR T cell cancer treatment at the Malagan Institute. (Video first released in June 2019)

Liam Willis, an executive at the Gut Cancer Foundation, said more than 630 people are diagnosed with pancreatic cancer each year in New Zealand.

“Worry, it happens more often, and in recent years the incidence has risen by 10 to 15 percent,” Willis said.

The Foundation received a $ 81,000 grant. This grant will be used to help Kiwi with advanced metastatic pancreatic cancer access clinical trials in 2022.

ASCEND clinical trials have found pancreatic cancer by adding CEND-1, a drug that helps small molecules enter cancer cells from the bloodstream without increasing the amount of chemotherapeutic drug taken up by normal cells. Investigate whether the patient’s survival rate will improve. ..

Patients with advanced pancreatic cancer had poor outcomes and had no significant changes over the years, Willis said.

“In this case, the fact that we can support this important study while providing New Zealanders with access to unfunded treatment is very satisfying,” he said.




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