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Studies have found that fasting two days a week helps obese people lose weight.


However, researchers appreciate the study’s obese people because the approach, which included two days of tightly restricted calories (500 calories for women and 600 calories for men) and a five-day wise diet, was simple. I found that I will follow you.

“Here we were able to provide the first results regarding the effectiveness of simple 5: 2 diet advice in a real environment. Although the 5: 2 diet was not superior to the traditional approach in terms of weight loss. ,, Users liked this approach because it was simpler and more attractive. “She was the author of study It was published in the scientific magazine PLOS ONE.

She said doctors may want to consider including a 5: 2 diet as part of standard weight management advice for patients.

The survey involved 300 obese people living in Tower Hamlets, a poor city center in London. Participants emphasize eating a 5: 2 regimen, or more vegetable or whole grain foods, cutting out sugar and fat foods, eating small amounts, and exercising, more conventional Followed the weight loss approach.

“Unobtrusive” results

The results of both approaches are very similar and “modest,” the study states.

At 6 months, those using a 5: 2 diet lost an average of 1.8 kilograms (4 pounds) compared to the standard diet advice of 1.7 kilograms (3.7 pounds). At 12 months, these numbers were 1.9 kilograms (4.2 pounds) and 1.8 kilograms (4 pounds), respectively.

The 5: 2 diet was more appreciated by obese people in new studies because it was easy to follow.

About 18% of people on a 5: 2 diet lost at least 5% of their body weight after a year, compared to 15% who used the traditional approach.

Half of the groups after the 5: 2 diet attended six group support sessions in the first six weeks after the first briefing.However, its effect Group support Studies show that it has decreased over time.

Participants were willing to take various weight loss approaches, but said that those on a 5: 2 diet are more likely to recommend it to others and are more likely to continue the approach.

This study is a randomized controlled trial and is considered the most rigorous type of study, with more participants than most previous studies on intermittent fasting, but the authors said, “The sample size is If so, some discoveries of borderline significance may have become clearer. ” It was big. “

People who followed traditional weight loss guidance were also more likely to try other strategies such as weight watchers, Slimming World, or other diets. This factor may have masked the impact, but it would not have been ethical or practical to stop participants from trying different approaches, the study authors said.

Intermittent fasting

Some experts believe that alternating fasting and eating can improve cell health by inducing metabolic switching.

How to succeed with intermittent fasting
In metabolic switching, cells run out of fuel stores and convert fat into energy. In other words, it is a “switch” from fat storage to fat saving. Intermittent fasting can lower blood pressure, help weight loss, and extend lifespan. New England Journal of Medicine I will propose.

However, this method is not suitable for everyone, especially pregnant women and women with medical conditions such as diabetes and eating disorders.





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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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