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The COVID-19 rate of vaccinated individuals will increase. According to doctors, vaccines are still effective in preventing serious

The COVID-19 rate of vaccinated individuals will increase. According to doctors, vaccines are still effective in preventing serious



As the COVID-19 pandemic continues until the second winter, more and more vaccinated people are infected with the virus.

According to the Kern County Public Health Service, 4,236 of these so-called groundbreaking incidents have occurred since January 21, accounting for about 6.8 percent of the total.

Still, doctors say the proportion of individuals vaccinated against coronavirus remains relatively low, indicating that the vaccine is well-held. In addition, the symptoms exhibited by a relatively small number of vaccinated people who become ill are milder than those who are not vaccinated, and almost all vaccinated people who reach the intensive care unit have a significant co-existence. I have a disease.

“It’s like a seatbelt,” said Dr. Gassan Jamaledin, Chief Medical Officer, Adventist Health Kern County. “It doesn’t mean that accidents won’t happen, it doesn’t mean that it will prevent all injuries, but it can definitely prevent injuries and deaths. There is no 100% vaccine. We know that, but it’s very It’s effective. It’s still very effective. “

Over the past two weeks, approximately 6.8 vaccinated people per 100,000 residents have tested positive for COVID-19 daily. This is compared to 28.5 unvaccinated people per 100,000 inhabitants who tested positive during the same period.

Health professionals continue to promote vaccination because it has proven to be very effective in keeping people away from hospitals. Vaccines are considered important to prevent hospitals from being overwhelmed, as the weather can be cold and the flu season can lead to a secondary surge in patients.

Since January 21, only 185 post-vaccinated hospitalizations and 2,718 unvaccinated hospitalizations in Khan County are evidence of the vaccine’s effectiveness in preventing serious illness.

“Every virus has breakthrough cases such as influenza and COVID. The bigger question is what happens in these breakthroughs,” said Mercy Hospital Southwest Chief Medical Officer. Dr. Hemarcosary said. “We have found in most of these groundbreaking cases that people get sick, get better and are fine. The important thing is that they are not in the hospital. That is the role of the vaccine. It is designed to keep them away from the hospital and prevent them from dying. “

Infection usually occurs when the COVID-19 virus invades the nasal passages and replicates faster than antibodies are produced. Vaccines were very effective in blocking the original version of the virus, but delta variants replicate faster than the original version, which can lead to more breakthrough cases.

The relatively low vaccination rates in Kern County may contribute to a breakthrough increase in the number of cases as the virus increases the chances of infecting the vaccinated host. People over the age of 65 and those with a weakened immune system are more susceptible to breakthrough cases because younger people may not produce more antibodies.

Nevertheless, vaccines have proven to be more resistant to fighting delta variants, especially when compared to previous vaccines.

“In the past, the FDA has regularly approved vaccines if they can show 50% or more efficacy against target pathogens,” said Dr. Glen Goldis, Chief Medical Officer at Khan Medical. I am saying. “Today, the fact that there are vaccines that are 90-95% effective speaks to the amazing technology behind mRNA vaccines.”

According to doctors, serious illnesses in vaccinated individuals are most often associated with one or more serious comorbidities, such as chronic kidney disease and organ transplants.

When health professionals look to the future, they believe that vaccines are important to prevent the fourth wave. In areas of the state with high vaccination rates, infections remain low and there are some breakthrough cases.

“As a county, we have very poor immunization rates compared to the state as a whole,” said Dr. Honey Aziz, a lung and life-saving emergency physician at Adventist Health. “Call a colleague in Los Angeles or Orange County and say that if you have a few patients and here half of the ICU is filled, you have to do better here to vaccinate people’s arms. increase. “

Sammorgen can be reached at 661-395-7415. Follow him on Twitter: @smorgenTBC.





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