How to Know If Your Child Has Sleep Apnea | Health
Children are generally more active sleepy Better and deeper than adults. However, as we grow older and the circadian rhythm changes, sleep quality naturally declines. But not all children sleep as peacefully as we would expect.Suffering children Sleep apnea They tend to sleep soundly, snore, and become night terrors. Lack of sleep slows down these children and leads to problems of attention at school that affect their learning and developmental processes.
More children may suffer from sleep apnea than before due to sedentary lifestyles, widespread obesity, and poor eating habits.
“Glandular tonsillar hypertrophy and obesity are the most common causes of OSA in childhood. OSA is also common in preterm infants and children with micrognathism or neuromuscular disorders,” said Dr. Vinay Kumar Rai. (MBBD, MD (Pediatric), DNB) states. (Neonatology) Pediatrician / Neonatologist Manipal Hospital, Dwarka, New Delhi.
But what exactly is sleep apnea?
Sleep apnea is a disorder caused by the repeated collapse of the upper airways during sleep, leading to complete or partial obstruction of the upper airways.
“OSA (Obstructive Sleep Apnea) occurs when the muscles that support the soft tissues of the throat relax during sleep, the airways partially or completely close, and the child temporarily blocks breathing. “Dr. Rai says.
Symptoms of obstructive sleep apnea
* Dyspnea or respiratory distress during sleep in a child
* Daytime sleepiness
* Hyperactivity
* Behavioral or learning problems
If your child does not get enough sleep at night, has difficulty concentrating on research, or finds breathing difficulty during sleep, you should immediately contact your health care professional.
“Sleep disorders, the presence of typical signs of sleep apnea or apnea, school performance, behavioral changes, lack of concentration or concentration, and daytime sleepiness suggest OSA. Sleep research, or polysomnography (PSG), is a confirmation test for a child’s OSA, “says Dr. Lai.
OSA should not be underestimated as it can cause complications such as high blood pressure, obesity, diabetes, ADHD, depression and developmental delay in children if left untreated.
“Delayed diagnosis and inadequate OSA treatment can lead to hypertension in children. Other untreated OSA outcomes include pulmonary hypertension, obesity, diabetes, attention deficit / hyperactivity disorder, and major depression. It’s sexual disorder or developmental delay, “says experts.
Treatment of sleep apnea
Sleep apnea can be treated and treatments and medications are available depending on the underlying cause of the illness.
“If the cause of OSA is obesity, lifestyle changes and exercise can help. Based on the cause of OSA, drugs such as adenotoncil resection, Montercast and BiPAP / CPAP are available for OSA management in children. It’s a treatment option. Very few children need surgical intervention, “says the doctor.
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