[VIDEO] A flock of angry birds tear off the wire with their beak and destroy the 5G tower
A flock of cockatoos 5G tower In Australia.
(Photo: Pixel)
This video will take place when a conspiracy theorist across Australia opposes the deployment of the new 5G network over the unfounded concerns that the coronavirus can cause, during a protest.
“Birds attack the 5G tower, do you feel it is a threat?” Read the caption of the video.
“If it’s not a warning from nature itself, I don’t know what it is,” said one joke.
“The 5G tower is probably interfering with the bird’s” radar “,” another added.
Australian 5G Coronavirus Conspiracy Theory
New essential research Investigation It showed that stupid conspiracy theory was shared among Australians. About 12% of those surveyed claimed that 5G wireless networks were used to spread the coronavirus.
The same number of people say the government is using pandemics to push people into the vaccine.
The findings urged the federal government to update its warning about the unsubstantiated allegations that linked 5G to the coronavirus.
Communications minister Paul Fletcher said the proposal that there is a link between 5G and the coronavirus is totally unfounded.
Fletcher emphasized that there is no evidence that the use of these radio waves in mobile networks is harmful to health or related to the current health pandemic.
One in eight is from Microsoft founder Bill Gates Cause of virus In a sense, polls said. Gates has donated millions of dollars to work on the development and manufacturing of coronavirus vaccines.
Also read: The Truth About the 5G Coronavirus Conspiracy Theory: Here’s What the Experts Say
Anti-boxers and 5G conspiracy clowns organized a series of small demonstrations across Australia earlier this month against the coronavirus blockade.
At a large rally in Melbourne where ten people were arrested, conspiracy theorists with anti-5G messages took part in anti-boxers and other gatherings in a blockade.
There was also an angry scene at Mullumbimby near Byron Bay in northern New South Wales as Telstra began the 5G upgrade last month.
Surprisingly, the parliament took the concerns of the people wearing aluminum foil hats seriously and said they hadn’t seen much electromagnetic activity.
Members of the House of Councilors have agreed to suspend the construction of the Telstra Tower. They claimed that there was no “guarantee” that high-speed internet did not affect people’s health.
“Dangerous nonsense”
Australian medical professor and public health advocate John Dwyer described the conspiracy theory that 5G causes deadly viruses as “dangerous nonsense.”
“Even if you make a few people think differently than social distance, it’s a ridiculous idea that’s not for them, putting us all at risk.” Said Last month’s Seven News.
According to Dwyer, the idea of conspiracy theory turns some people on. He argued that conspiracy theories were not so important in most cases. However, it is dangerous in this particular case.
In June 2019, the deployment of 5G networks in Australia began with an infrastructure that used frequencies similar to existing 3G and 4G networks.
The only difference with 5G is that it uses more bandwidth and can operate at lower speeds.
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