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Housework may boost your body and mind-consumer health news

Housework may boost your body and mind-consumer health news


Tuesday, November 23, 2021 (HealthDay News)-Elderly people looking for a way to stay mentally fast and physically strong? Start scrubbing.

Researchers in Singapore say household chores may be the key to keeping your brain sharp as you get older.

Their new research In the elderly, cleaning the house was found to be tied to better memory and attention, and stronger legs that help prevent falls.

Shiou-Liang Wee, an associate professor of health and social sciences at the Singapore Institute of Technology and co-author of the study, said:

“Housework is a deliberate activity performed by many older people,” he said, representing a significant portion of their self-reported moderate to active physical activity. Thus, it is an important complement to recreational physical activity.

Researchers have pointed out that their research does not prove that household chores cause sharper thinking or better balance, only that they appear to be relevant.

For this study, Wee’s team examined nearly 500 healthy Singaporeans between the ages of 21 and 90.

Researchers used tests of short and delayed memory, language, attention, and visuospatial ability to measure walking and chair-riding ability, as well as mental ability, as indicators of physical performance. (Visibility is the key to perceiving depth and moving around without hitting an object.)

Participants were also asked about the household chores and other types of physical activity they performed.

For Wee’s group, light household chores included washing dishes, dusting, bed making, laundry drying, ironing, tidying up, and cooking. Heavy household chores included chores such as window cleaning, bed replacement, vacuum cleaners, mops, saws, painting, and repairs.

Thirty-six percent of young participants said they were engaged in enough physical activity to achieve the goals the researchers set to be beneficial, as were 48% of older participants.

However, studies have shown that 61% of younger participants and 66% of older participants achieved this goal with household chores alone.

After considering other types of regular physical activity, researchers found that household chores were associated with sharper mental and better physical abilities-but only among older participants. was.

Lee’s team found that the psychological test score was 8% higher for those who did a lot of household chores than those who did little. Housework was also associated with a higher attention score.

And among the older participants, the balance and the time it took to get up after sitting For those who do a lot of housework, it’s better than those who don’t.

Dr. Maria Troela Kearney, Head of Geriatrics and Palliative Medicine at Northwell Health in New Hyde Park, New York, said exercise benefits the brain and household chores are exercises that involve mental activity.

“Exercise is very important for both physical and cognitive aging,” she said. “We know this from past studies, but the physical activity required to implement planning logistics is not always household chores. Exercise and planning are very good for both physical and cognitive health. Is important to. “

Troela Kearney said that physical activity increases blood circulation to your muscles and your brain, which helps with mental functioning.

She said household chores can be an important part of your exercise routine.

“Housework is physical, but it also requires a detailed thinking process to complete,” says Torroella Carney. “It’s a job you have to plan. You have to use the device, you have to use the device. Because the plan is included, cognitive exercise along with physical exercise I have.”

Her advice: Please move.

“It’s never too late to start exercising, and not only this, but from other studies, it’s never too late,” says Torroella Carney.

The findings were published online in the journal on November 22nd. BMJ Open..

For more information

There are more information about brain health at Alzheimer’s Association..

Source: Shiou-Liang Wee, PhD, Associate Professor of Health and Social Sciences, Singapore Institute of Technology. Dr. Maria Troela Kearney, Head of Geriatrics and Palliative Medicine at Northwell Health in New Hyde Park, NY. BMJ Open, November 22, 2021, online




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