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Workplace Holiday Party: Are You Coming Back Or Is It Too Risky?

Workplace Holiday Party: Are You Coming Back Or Is It Too Risky?


Toronto-2021, the majority of Canadians have been vaccinated and winter vacation is approaching. It leads to the questions that many employees and employers are currently juggling. Will the holiday party at work be revived? Is that a good idea?

Last year, holiday parties were mostly out of the question, with restaurants, bars and venues closed to guests and large groups. Now, with the proliferation of vaccines that have helped reopen some aspects of society, such as indoor dining and large-scale indoor events, some businesses and employers are allowing colleagues to celebrate together. We are considering reviving a traditional holiday party.

But is it a good idea that COVID-19 is still in circulation?

For one health professional, the answer is clear. A direct holiday party is a bad idea.

Colin Furness, a Toronto-based infection control epidemiologist, told in a telephone interview that he believes face-to-face working groups are still a risk if the incident is widespread in the community.

“You can have an office party and stop it, but you have to think about something bigger and more systematic,” he said.

“The problem with office parties is that people really crave social interaction, especially considering how isolated they were in 20 months, which means they don’t have a mask. Alcohol flows and means people get a little. Loud, a little messy, a little closer. So even the best intentions can get lost. “

Although relatively rare, a breakthrough case of COVID-19 could occur, and Furness pointed out that children aged 5 to 11 had just begun vaccination. This means that if a parent passes COVID-19, this group is still at risk of becoming infected with COVID-19. ..

“The timing of the holiday season is really terrible when it comes to our ability to vaccinate children,” he said.

If a child is infected with the virus, he is much less likely to suffer serious consequences, but long COVID symptoms such as brain fog are signs of brain damage, he said, according to a study. 1 in 7 Half of children infected with the virus experience symptoms after a few weeks.

“Elementary school is a canary in a coal mine,” he said. “It’s the only biome left by COVID, so if you want to know the impact of your activity, you need to look there.”

He added that he understands how much people miss their social interactions, but from a priority perspective, holiday parties do not move the economy or benefit vulnerable people. , Not expensive.

“It feels terrible to say,’We need to postpone,’ but we feel we need to postpone.”

Employment lawyer Andrew Monkhaus has told CTV about whether having a holiday party is a legally bad idea when an employee catches COVID-19 at such a rally. He said it was unlikely to be done.

“In Canada, there weren’t many COVID proceedings,” he said. “For example, if a lawsuit related to COVID liability arises, someone can get the COVID and go back specifically to the restaurant. [where a work party was held], I think they could potentially make a claim to both the restaurant and their employer.

“That said, employers have very limited liability under Canadian law for employees who have obtained a COVID. They will have to be grossly negligent.”

He pointed out that work holiday parties should always be organized as an event where attendance is voluntary.

“It will probably significantly reduce the potential responsibilities of companies and employers, because it’s an employee’s choice and they don’t have to go,” Monkhouse said.

Employees will only sue if the employer can prove that they can harm them at the party and go up like “force staff closer, or they” to catch the virus. Can be raised. Replay pre-COVID games that are clearly not considered OK in the current situation. “

If the manager pressures employees to attend an unpleasant face-to-face holiday party due to COVID-19 concerns, Monk House knows that employees can decline these types of events at any time. I said it should be left.

“In general, if an employee feels pushed, I think it’s best to say they can’t. I’m sorry, but I’m happy to get together soon,” he said. .. “After all, employees don’t have to go to a holiday party, even before the COVID.”

Some employees may be worried about attending a work event if they are working remotely in a workplace where they are not vaccinated and their colleagues’ vaccine intake is unknown. Monkhouse said that this particular concern is unlikely to be an issue if employers are having parties at restaurants, as many states have vaccination obligations to eat at restaurants. rice field.

Zoom parties may be another option, but another year after this pandemic, Furness doesn’t think they will appeal.

“It will depend on the individual culture of a particular organization,” he said, adding that many have so far had a “zoom depletion” of the pandemic.

Despite COVID-19 concerns, some companies may host indoor holiday parties, and Furness said employers should strive to be as secure as possible when going that route. I did.

“If I was given a mission,’You must host a holiday party, make this as safe as possible.’ Yes, vaccines are mandatory, but quick inspection at the door. I will, “he suggested. “I can’t come in without anyone [a rapid test].. It actually helps a lot to keep the room safe. And how many HEPA filters do you need? So who is calculating the size of the airspace? How many people are there? How many portable HEPA filters do you need? So, if you have a vaccination obligation and a quick test and you’re scrubbing the air, it’s a party I might go to. “

He added that air filtration is an important part of creating a safe space between COVID-19, which many do not consider.

If you decide to attend an office party that you meet in person indoors, Monkhouse points out that being indoors can make your networking skills a bit “rusty” and can monitor your behavior. It is important.

“That’s something that employees have to be especially careful about,” he said. “For employers, it’s almost certain that you’re providing a safe environment, […] It just makes sure people feel safe and don’t have any additional problems. ”





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