Johns Hopkins virologist: “Pay attention to cases of Omicron variants”
The first variant of Omicron discovered in Africa shook when public health officials such as Dr. Anthony Fauci and the World Health Organization sounded the alarm.
Omicron variant, First discovered in AfricaMade a wave as a public health authority Like Dr. Anthony Fauci and the World Health Organization I started to sound the alarm.
After being done Considered a “variant of concern” It was detected in areas ranging from the United Kingdom to Hong Kong and caused changes in international travel guidance in several countries, including the United States.
Dr. Andrew Pekosz Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health Who will investigate Respiratory virus replication and possible illness Like flu and COVID-19.
He told WTOP that this viral mutation could be a problem for several reasons.
“There are many mutations in this virus that are expected to evade antibody-binding spots, and it is the antibodies that we believe protect us from infection,” Pecos said.
Pekosz said new variants could be more efficient and become more effective viruses when it comes to binding to lung cells. However, it is not really known how it was transmitted to the population.
“What we really need is a week or two for certain confirmations, which is better than other variants when we look at all cases of COVID-19 in parts of southern Africa. It’s actually spreading at a high speed, “he said in part.
He added that the other variants that escaped immunity were not a global threat.For example, hospitalization associated with delta variants in the DC area Seems to have declined a few months ago..
“Therefore, I think we need to pay close attention to the number of cases next week or so before we can actually see what the threat is to this variant globally,” Pekosz said. increase.
Pekosz said the difference in effects was due to vaccination and booster shots. In fact, vaccines cannot be completely avoided, and the need for vaccines and booster immunization is “the most important thing that reaches the American people at this time,” he said.
Dr. Katelyn Jetelina, an infectious disease epidemic at the University of Texas School of Public Health in Houston, Texas, said the vaccine was developed with mutations in mind and hopes that the Omicron variant will still be fully recognizable. I told WTOP. The original strain for the current vaccine to remain effective.
“We are making vaccines and their response to vaccines recognizable from different angles,” says Jetelina. I think the real question now is, “Even this vaccine and booster can recognize those multiple angles and how effectively they can see it.”
She said it was one of the main questions epidemiologists would try to answer in the coming weeks.
WTOP’s Mike Murillo, John Domen and Zeke Hartner contributed to this report.
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