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Indianapolis Colts is leading the NFL’s efforts to kick stigma on mental health issues

Indianapolis Colts is leading the NFL’s efforts to kick stigma on mental health issues


With Jim Irsay Indianapolis Colts We have made great efforts to lead the NFL’s efforts to combat the stigma surrounding mental health issues.Main goal of Stigma kicks are detailed on the campaign’s landing page, This is also a place where individuals and businesses can donate in a cause.

Naturally, it is impossible to make a change without first raising awareness. For example, on the Kicking the Stigma website, “1 in 5 adults in the United States (including 1 in 4 in Huscher) suffers from some form of mental illness. These are depression and anxiety. Our friends and neighbors who suffer daily from neuropathy, addiction, and other illnesses that deprive them and their loved ones of the quality of life. ”

It’s easy to overlook mental health issues because the existence of these issues is not easily visible and is rarely discussed. A broader general attitude about discussing mental health issues appears in almost every television show and movie. References to asking for help on mental health issues, the perception that someone may need to talk about these issues by visiting “shrink” is often described as embarrassing and very unpleasant. ..

It is strange that suffering from a physical illness does not cause the same kind of problems. Most people are comfortable seeing in public places that are clearly affected by a cold or illness. Even if you need to use crutches, casts, or walking boots, most people can spend the day comfortably if they are physically injured.

In my experience, it’s not uncommon for these people to be too keen on sharing what happened that caused their injuries.

Why is mental health so different? Should it be?

Doctors and surgeons can treat physical illnesses through physical procedures such as surgery, rest, and rehabilitation. Diagnosis of physical illness is often easy. X-rays, MRI, or other diagnostic tests allow health professionals to identify injuries, properly diagnose their severity, and develop effective treatment plans.

The truth is, it’s very important to be open about mental health issues. Mental health professionals often rely heavily on discussing issues and obstacles that cause problems that do not appear in the scan. If not diagnosed, how can mental health problems be treated through treatment or medication?

The National Alliance on Mental Illness in Greater Indianapolis discusses these issues and points out that not being open about mental health often leads to self-medication.

Not surprisingly, self-medication often exacerbates existing challenges by causing addiction and other unintended side effects.Many studies show that people are suffering Mental illness often turns into the use of illegal drugs As a way to address and outline the often catastrophic consequences of these decisions.

Things can get worse if self-medication efforts fail. The stigma kicking campaign points out that suicide is the second leading cause of death for individuals aged 10-34 years. As you can imagine, the survivors of suicide, the loved ones left behind after a family member or individual has taken their lives, are deeply rooted. Risk of suffering from one’s own mental health problems..

This behavioral pattern and its impact on the community is of great concern. The cycles that need to be broken are: Unable to get help from mental illness or receive treatment for people who need attention to mental health can lead to self-medication, substance abuse, sometimes suicide, and perpetuate mental health problems for loved ones. increase. Get caught up in the wake.

The way to break the cycle is to be open about mental health problems and seek professional diagnosis and treatment.

If you’re reading this story and feel that you need immediate help to control your mental health problems, dial 2-1-1.

The stigma must go. It doesn’t have to be okay. It is very important to understand that as people become more open and share about these issues, fewer will suffer from mental health problems.

Look at professional athletes (and other public figures)

The world of professional sports is often seen through unrealistic lenses. Owners, general managers, coaches, and players are all kept to a very high standard. Fans are consumers, and cities with professional franchises use state and city funding. cough Taxpayer funds cough, Build a stadium where the game will be held.

In this way, fans will claim ownership of the entire production. Athletes are entertainers, and their physical gifts and high salaries make them responsible for providing products that deserve admission. That leads to the spirit of “silent dribbling” and hastening the decision to make mistakes outside the field.

Athletes are not the only ones to undertake the demands of mass scrutiny. Celebrities, politicians, and anyone who now appears to have serious support on social media in almost every field can be the target of public criticism.

Similarly, military service members are rarely known to the public at the individual level, but their presence and the consequences of their activities are widely reported in the media, and macro opinions about those activities often draw public attention in the first place. A role in everything you collect.

Each member of these public spheres is treated as more than just an individual. The expectations placed on them are mercilessly high.

It’s no wonder that the environment in which professional athletes work creates opportunities for fairly intense mental health challenges. The demands and pressures that come from all seemingly angles, financial interests, family expectations, the competitiveness needed to defeat opponents, or simply to stay on the NFL list, is very emotionally and emotionally. It will be a burden. Maintaining that level of mental and emotional focus is even more difficult throughout the season and throughout the off-season, and it is still difficult to do so for years at the elite level.

Remember that most professional athletes have just graduated from college. Even “old” NFL football players rarely extend to their late 30s. Perhaps fans need to do a better job to keep in mind the highly human reality of professional athletes, entertainers and other public figures.

Along with fame, it always brings more pressure and greater scrutiny opportunities. Megaphones invite more reaction and feedback from the audience. But after all, professional athletes, coaches, general managers, owners (and other public figures and celebrities) all drive home and have relationships with friends and family (the good and the bad). I am. I commute by car in the morning. They have good days and bad days, making good and bad decisions and suffering wins and losses that don’t show up on the scoreboard.

That’s why Indianapolis Colts’ efforts to lead the NFL’s accusations of kicking stigma on mental health issues and disabilities are so powerful. Megaphones are big and the people behind these efforts are exactly that — people. Shouldn’t our other people be willing to do the same if they are willing to be open about their challenges in the face of public feedback and scrutiny?

please Visit the landing page of the Kicking the Stigma campaign and donate For an incredibly important effort.




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