Health officials at Santa Clara look back on lessons applied to COVID-19 for 40 years in the fight against HIV – CBS San Francisco
San Jose (KPIX 5) – Santa Clara County celebrates the 33rd World AIDS Day, looking back on the lives lost in the last 40 years, but also reflects the lessons applied to the current COVID-19 pandemic. ..
“Celebrating our victory over illness, death and division is more important than ever,” said Dr. Sarah Radman, Medical Officer of Santa Clara County.
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World AIDS Day, which has been celebrated on December 1st every year since 1988, aims to honor the lives lost in the disease.
Members of the county’s HIV Commission have raised flags to honor 6,778 people diagnosed with HIV and 4,956 people diagnosed with AIDS since the fight against the epidemic began in the early 1980s.
In Santa Clara County, 165 people were diagnosed with HIV in 2019 and 115 in 2020. According to Radman, the decline in 2020 is likely due to patients who have discouraged HIV testing due to an ongoing COVID pandemic.
Dr. Radman, who heads the county’s STD and HIV prevention and management programs, said vaccine technology today can trace its roots to the technological advances brought about by AIDS research.
“So far, the scientific advances that have helped reach a COVID where everyone has access to safe and effective vaccines have been built on the backbone of investment in HIV research over the last 40 years. Without that investment, there would have been no rapid progress that would help keep us safe today, “Radman said.
The county’s COVID strategy to enhance testing and vaccine dissemination to Latin communities, economically disadvantaged areas, agricultural workers, and other essential workers was “directly from the HIV playbook.”
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“Every year in the exact same population that was disproportionately hit by HIV, especially in the color community, it was hit again by COVID, which advanced our scientific knowledge and made everyone accessible to those interventions. In addition to being able to do it, it’s another reason we have to fight inequality itself, “Radman said.
“We have been a strong push for fairness. We have endeavored not to leave people behind, neighborhoods left behind, or households left behind,” said county supervisor Cindy Chavez. I am.
Dr. Marty Fenstershake, now the county’s Vaccine Officer, recalls the early days of fighting AIDS in South Bay.
“Thinking about the first case in 1981, it really shocks me, and I’m doing math, which seems to be 40 years from the first case,” Fenstersheib said.
Will the world still handle COVID cases 40 years from now? According to Fenstersheib, the global healthcare system has the potential to manage COVID cases in the foreseeable future.
“To me, it’s like the flu. I think it’s been around for quite some time. It’s not over. I think we’ll be living with COVID. So we’ll get regular booster shots in the future. I think it will be a part of our lives for a while, “said Fenstersheib.
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“Tell us that the efforts we have made over the last 40 years to combat HIV trust science, make rapid progress, invest in public health infrastructure, and share it widely as soon as information is available. I think it will carry us throughout the next 40 years, so not only are we having various conversations about HIV and COVID, but we also have to fight the next illness, so we are ready to deal further. “We do,” said Radman.
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