COVID-19 Q & A: How does mask duty affect school outbreaks? Where can I get boosters?
Each week, MLive’s public health team seeks to provide answers to a small number of readers’ questions related to the coronavirus pandemic.
Questions in the last few weeks have been related to breastfeeding Vaccinated mother, NS Effectiveness of innate immunity, And about Gathering with unvaccinated people Family on vacation.
Below are some of the questions MLive received this week. If you have any COVID related inquiries, [email protected].. Your question may be addressed in future Q & A segments, along with answers based on findings from local, federal and global health authorities and research.
Q: How do seniors living in southwestern Michigan get COVID-19 booster shots?
Booster shots, such as primary vaccines, are available in many provider types, including community health departments, pharmacies, clinics, health centers, hospitals, home care providers, and long-term care facilities. There are more than 4,100 registered providers across the state, including more than 1,500 in the Metro Detroit area.
One option to find the nearest provider is the COVID-19 hotline at 888-535-6136 Monday through Friday from 8 am to 5 pm or weekends between 10 am and 2 pm Is to call. Follow the prompts and press 1 to see information about the vaccine, then press 2 to find the nearest location and schedule your appointment.
There is also an online vaccine finder Here you can enter the zip code, search scope, and the type of vaccine you are looking for. The search will list the results starting from the nearest location, provide you with a phone number and website, and schedule your booking.
Q: How was the hospitalization and death comparison between vaccinated and unvaccinated people since the new Delta variant? Has hospitalization and mortality in vaccinated people increased significantly with the new Delta variant?
The first known case of COVID-19 in Michigan with a delta mutation was reported in June. By late July, it had become the predominant strain in the state, accounting for 99% of the analyzed coronavirus-positive specimens towards August.
Vaccinated individuals accounted for 13% of deaths from COVID-19 in May and 20% in June. Since then, it has accounted for 23% to 28% every month, including 24% in October, according to state health department data. On the other hand, unvaccinated residents account for the majority of COVID-19 deaths.
Similarly, vaccinated individuals accounted for 11% of COVID-19 hospitalizations in May and 24% in June. Since then, it has accounted for 22% to 28% every month, including 28% in October.
In addition to the number, the health authorities provide Important context About the vaccinated people they see, about the severe cases of COVID-19. They are much older individuals, usually known to have a weak immune system, and usually have multiple underlying health conditions that increase the risk of serious illness.
Doctors also say that it makes sense to have more breakthrough cases as a larger proportion of the population is vaccinated. However, in general, vaccinated people are significantly less likely to experience severe COVID-19 than unvaccinated people.
Q: Q: 93 new outbreaks How many schools had a mask man date reported at school last week?
Unfortunately, no state has expanded the breakdown of outbreaks based on schools with and without Maskman dates. However, the University of Michigan is analyzing case rates within state schools to better understand school district differences based on masking policies.
When the 2021-22 academic year began, schools without mask policies had a significantly higher case rate per 100,000 residents compared to school districts that required masks. By October 1, schools with policy reported 54 cases per 100,000 students, while schools without mask requirements reported 88 cases per 100,000 students.
Over time, the gap has narrowed, but there are still many cases in schools that do not require masks. As of November 1, 79 cases per 100,000 students were seen in schools that required masks, while 92 cases were seen per 100,000 students in schools without mask policies. I did.
One epidemiologist said it would be expected as community infections increased. This is probably because the virus is not only transmitted at school. Those students take the virus back to their families and to their colleagues. Due to the surge in community case rates, health officials knew that school case rates would also skyrocket, regardless of masking policies.
That doesn’t mean that masking needs to be abolished. Masks still help reduce the spread of the coronavirus by catching large respiratory droplets that carry large amounts of virus and reducing the distance they can travel.
Qualified residents can visit Michigan to find a vaccine near you COVID-19 vaccine website Or go to Shots are available through healthcare systems, pharmacies, health departments, clinics, and other registered providers.
If you have a COVID-19 question you would like to answer, [email protected] Will be considered in future MLive reports.
Details of MLive:
711 people infected with 93 new coronavirus outbreaks in schools in Michigan
FDA advisors narrowly recommend Merck’s COVID-19 pills for approval
Yes, even healthy young adults need to get a COVID-19 booster and answer other questions
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