Public Health Sudbury & District
Reporting period: Thursday, November 25, 2021 to Wednesday, December 1, 2021
December 2, 2021 — COVID-19 (new coronavirus infection) In the last 7 days until the end of December 1, 2021, the Public Health Sudbury & Districts service area has changed. 259 new cases were reported and 225 cases were resolved. (Note: Due to recent changes in laboratory practices, public health will no longer report on changing case concern (VOC) profiles.) This week, 36 COVID-19 outbreaks were active, 18 of which. It happened at school. Or on a school bus, 7 at work, 2 for day care, 2 for hospitals, 4 for communities (2 sports teams, dance studios, public parks), 1 for nursing homes and 1 for retirement homes. .. , And a collective living environment. 16 outbreaks have been declared in the last 7 days, 10 in schools and school buses, 3 in the workplace, 1 in day care, retirement homes, and 1 in apartments. There was one COVID-related death. At the end of December 1, 2021, there were 285 active cases and 20 active outbreaks in our service area. There were 19 local cases in the hospital, the rest being self-isolated.
Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, there have been cases in a total of 3 888 regions, of which 360 3 have been resolved. Sadly, 39 people have died in our service area.
Of the 1766 local cases of COVID-19 reported after June 1, 2021, 547 (31%) were included in fully vaccinated individuals. There were 1219 (69%) of unvaccinated or partially vaccinated residents (residents who received only one vaccination). During that same period, there were 65 local hospitalizations, of which 45 (69%) were unvaccinated or partially vaccinated. Twenty inpatients (31%) were completely vaccinated. Interpretation of vaccine status data: Please note that the data on the number of cases by vaccination status is provisional and subject to change. Comparing weekly cumulative numbers can lead to inaccurate estimates of the number of cases per vaccination status over the last 7 days.
Based on data from the last 14 days, the risk of unvaccinated residents in Sudbury and the district being infected with COVID-19 was 6.6 times the risk of fully vaccinated residents.
Recent trends
- Over the last 28 days, the overall incidence of COVID-19 in our area has been 464.8 new cases per 100,000 population. Residents under the age of 19 showed the highest rate of 820.2 new cases per 100,000 population. The percentages of 30-39 years old (548.0 per 100,000), 40-49 years old (545.8 per 100,000), and 20-29 years old (501.2 per 100,000) are also higher than the percentage of our entire region. Was also expensive. The proportions of all other age groups were lower than the overall proportions.
- Local incidence over the last 7 days was 130.2 per 100,000 population, compared to 122.7 per 100,000 over the last 7 days.
- Of the 259 new cases that occurred in our service area last week, 125 were in close contact with confirmed cases and 33 were associated with outbreaks. This means that public health was able to identify how these people were exposed to COVID-19 and take swift action to prevent further spread. 55 (55) had no known epidemiological associations. There were no cases related to travel. 46 cases were under investigation
- Of the 259 cases reported this week, 222 live in western Sudbury, 18 in western Sudbury, 6 in eastern Sudbury, 1 in northern Sudbury, and 12 in the Manitoulin district. .. (Note: See Daily COVID-19 Case Updates at / COVID-19 / data for definitions of these geographic regions.)
- The positive rate from November 24th to November 30th was 4.1%, but for the past 7 days it was 4.1%.
- From November 24th to November 30th, effective reproduction numbers (Rt) were 0.94 in Sudbury and the district, 1.06 in northern Ontario, and 1.12 across Ontario.
Vaccination program update
- To date, a total of 327951 COVID-19 vaccinations have been given in Sudbury and the district. To date, 161,707 have been first vaccinated, 155,053 have been fully vaccinated, of which 11,191 have been vaccinated for the third time (currently as of 4:00 pm on December 1, 2021). .. Keep in mind that this includes vaccines administered by public health, indigenous and indigenous communities, primary care, and pharmacies.
- A total of 6388 vaccinations have been given in the last 7 days until the end of Wednesday, December 1, 2021.
- Overall, 86.7% of Sudbury and district residents aged 12 and over receive the first dose of the vaccine, compared to 89.9% of all Ontario residents aged 12 and over.
- The second dose was received by 83.7% of Sudbury and the district over 12 years of age, compared to 86.4% of all residents of Ontario over 12 years of age.
- Overall, 81.1% of Sudbury and district residents over the age of 5 have received the first vaccination and 77.5% have received the second vaccination.
- 77.5% of the total population of Sudbury and the district receive the first dose and 74.0% are fully immunized. This means that there are currently more than 53,300 residents who are not fully immunized.
- Below is a depiction of the vaccinations received by individuals over the age of 12 in Sudbury and the area.
Age group | Applicable range of dose 1% | Applicable range of dose 2% |
5-11 | 11.7% | 0.0% |
12-17 | 82.3% | 78.3% |
18-29 | 76.2% | 71.5% |
30-39 | 82.1% | 77.2% |
40-49 | 84.0% | 80.9% |
50-59 | 84.6% | 82.5% |
60-69 | 94.9% | 93.5% |
70-79 | 99.9% | 98.7% |
80 + | 100.0% | 99.5% |
Keep COVID safe
- Public health strongly recommended that participants in the Sudberry Silver Stick tournament adopt additional safeguards to reduce the transmission of illness during the tournament. These additional measures include avoiding gatherings with individuals outside the team cohort, staying in the arena after the team has joined the game, wearing a mask indoors and physically leaving. However, it is not limited to these. For a complete list of recommendations letter (PDF) Your commitment to these highly recommended actions, combined with additional safeguards already in place locally, will help reduce COVID-19 infections.
- Children can become infected with COVID-19 and spread the virus to others, even if they are asymptomatic. The COVID-19 vaccine for children ages 5-11 is important to protect children and our community.visit Book a vaccination appointment for your child as soon as possible.
- Legal enforcement Directions Updated November 26, 2021 to include new requirements. At the Greater Sudbury workplace, employees need to be able to work remotely unless they need to be at work due to the nature of the work. Although not required by law in other Public Health Sudbury & Districts service areas, it is highly recommended that all workplaces allow anyone working in a company or organization to work remotely.
- Do you feel anxiety increases as we overcome the pandemic?Try these Rapid strategy (Mental Health Commission of Canada) To reduce anxiety: breathe, pay attention to your senses, and remember that your emotions are temporary. Please move your body. If anxious thinking patterns become a continuing concern, consult 741741 in the main healthcare provider or adult text “Wellness”, text 686868 for youth.
what’s new
- On November 26th, a medical officer from Public Health Sudbury & Districts announced that he would work from home. procedure under Resumption of Ontario law, Strong recommendations to local schools, businesses and organizations, and implementation of stricter protocols for contact with COVID-19 cases. For more information, Directions At
- Last Friday, Public Health Sudbury & Districts hosted the first COVID-19 Vaccine Clinic in Greater Sudbury for children ages 5-11. This was an important milestone in COVID-19’s response. For more information on vaccination clinics, please visit:
- On November 28, in Ontario, two cases of COVID-19 Omicron mutants in the state were identified. All eligible COVID-19-positive samples throughout Ontario continue to be sent to the Ontario Public Health Institute for whole-genome sequencing. To date, no cases of Omicron have been reported locally. However, Public Health Sudbury & Districts will generally notify you if this is the case.
- After December 2nd, certain clinics will no longer offer carry-on reservations. Only individuals who are scheduled to book the COVID-19 vaccine will be accepted. At some vaccination clinics, you will have the opportunity to bring your own.Details can be found at
- The Government of Ontario, in consultation with medical officers, has accelerated the eligibility of COVID-19 vaccine booster doses for ontarians over the age of 50 and additional high-risk individuals, and additional protection against COVID-19 and its variants. Offering layers. Public Health Sudbury & Districts will share more regional details as they become available. For more information on the state announcement, news release on
Message from Medical Officer of Health Dr. Penny Satcliff
Public health service areas, along with many other parts of the state, continue to cope with the COVID-19 surge. To date, no cases of new Omicron mutants have been detected locally. This variant is concerned given its high transmission rate and its yet unknown severity. What we know is to maintain physical distance, wash hands, wear a mask, get vaccinated if qualified, stay home and be tested if sick, not needed in the field Public health measures such as working remotely are effective. By limiting the spread. We remain in a very volatile situation until we see cases in our area level off and show signs of decline. With the arrival of December and the snow, many of us are looking forward to the holiday season and wish for a fun and safe celebration. Continue your role in helping our community reduce COVID-19 in our community by enthusiastically following public health precautions.
Regular updates
visit Regular updates on COVID-19 testing, confirmed cases, and outbreaks and potential exposures in Greater Sudbury, Sudbury, and Manitoulin districts. NS Detailed epidemiological summary Posted on Tuesday, it contains information about cases over time, case characteristics, expected exposures, case results, tests, and outbreaks at the facility. Moreover, Detailed vaccination report Created on Tuesday, it contains information on vaccination over time, by region, by brand, by dose, and by age group. The report also provides additional context by comparing the data to Ontario.
For more information or if you have any questions, please visit: Alternatively, call Public Health Sudbury & Districts (705.522.9200 (toll-free 1.866.522.9200)).
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