Researchers use gene editing to create littermates in male and female mice
scientist Gene editing techniques were used to generate littermates of female-only and male-only mice with 100% efficiency.
This technology can be used for scientific research and improving animal welfare in agriculture.
Scientific research often requires male or female animals, such as laboratory studies on reproduction.
In agriculture, only female animals are needed for spawning and dairy cow herds. In other words, animals of unnecessary sex are generally culled after birth.
The method demonstrated in the new study uses a two-part genetic system to inactivate the embryo immediately after fertilization and develops only the sex of interest.
According to researchers, such gene-based methods for controlling the sex of offspring can dramatically reduce selection in both industries.
Embryo selection is based on the fact that there are two components of CRISPR-Cas9: the Cas9 enzyme DNA Allow scientists to change specific areas, and guide RNA This carries Cas9 to the correct position on the genome.
One element of the system was placed on the father’s X or Y chromosome. That is, it is inherited only by female or male embryos, respectively.
Other elements are provided by the mother and are inherited by all embryos.
Specific genes essential for DNA replication and repair have been targeted.
When embryos were formed from sperms and eggs, each containing half of CRISPR-Cas9, the embryos triggered gene editing and were unable to develop beyond the very early stages of 16-32 cells.
With this method, Francis Click Institute When University of Kent Researchers were able to control the sex of littermates with 100% effectiveness.
To make male-only litters, researchers edited the father’s X chromosome. That is, only females inherited the harmful mutations, and for female-only litters, the Y chromosome was edited.
This method did not reduce the number of offspring born by 50%. The number of litters was between 61% and 72% of control litters.
Researchers say this is to allow animals such as mice to lay more eggs in each ovarian cycle and lose some early in development without reducing the size of litters. Suggests.
This suggests that in situations where one gender is required, fewer breeding animals are needed to produce the same number of target offspring.
Surviving progeny contain only half of the CRISPR-Cas9 element in the genome, which acts as a control to prevent gender selection from being passed on to the next generation.
Charlotte Douglas, Crick’s lead author, former PhD student and postdoctoral scientist, said: Breeding embryos where it is activated.
“Embryos with both halves cannot develop beyond the very early cellular stages.
“We have also shown that this process works well in different combinations. It introduces Cas9 or a guide RNA element into the chromosome of the mother or father.”
James Turner, author and group leader at Crick’s Institute for Sex Chromosome Biology, said: In medical and scientific research.
“Many studies require both men and women, but some research areas require only one.
“For example, when studying the reproductive system, gender-specific illnesses, or specific hormones.”
Researchers suggest that the findings may be applicable to other animals and require further study and consideration at the ethical and regulatory levels.
This study is published in Nature Communications.
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