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Malaria infection, COVID-19 confusion associated with increased mortality


The World Health Organization reports that the COVID-19 disruption in malaria services has significantly increased malaria cases and deaths in 2020.

Over the last two decades, the global malaria mortality rate has been halved and 10.6 million lives have been saved. According to new data collected by WHO, COVID-19 has stopped, reversing progress in reducing deaths from this preventable and curable disease.

NS WHO World Malaria Report It is estimated that there will be 241 million malaria cases and 627,000 malaria deaths worldwide in 2020. This represents an increase of 14 million cases and 69,000 deaths compared to the previous year. WHO associates an increase in malaria prophylaxis, diagnosis, and treatment service interruptions during a pandemic.

Pedro Alonso, director of the WHO Global Malaria Program, said the situation could have been much worse. Fortunately, he said the predicted doomsday scenario did not occur. He states that the pessimistic predictions of a surge in malaria in March 2020 have not been realized.

“One of the worst scenarios meant doubling the number of deaths from malaria. Again, it’s not. Despite the deaths of another 47,000 as a result of the turmoil. This can be called a success story, “says Alonso.

The report states that the progress of the global fight against malaria remains uneven.

Between 2000 and 2020, WHO recognized 12 countries as malaria-free. Two countries, China and El Salvador, gained this position in 2021 despite the ongoing pandemic.

Since 2015, both cases and deaths have stagnated in most of the world’s 93 endemic countries and regions. However, other figures show that cases of malaria are increasing in 32 countries, most of which occur in sub-Saharan Africa and some in South America.

File-Traders wrapped in mosquito nets to protect against malaria sleep on April 3, 2020 in the mosquito nets of the Busega market in Kampala, Uganda.

File-Traders wrapped in mosquito nets to protect against malaria sleep on April 3, 2020 in the mosquito nets of the Busega market in Kampala, Uganda.

Alonso said the situation remains particularly volatile in Africa, where the burden of malaria remains unacceptably high. He states that Africa accounts for about 96% of the world’s deaths and 80% of children under the age of five.

“At the same time, the pandemic is not over and the pace of economic recovery is uncertain. Without swift and swift action, the key 2030 goals of the WHO Global Technology Strategy could not be met and additional evidence could be lost. There is sex, “he said.

WHO’s strategy requires a 90% reduction in malaria cases and mortality by 2030. We also want to eradicate malaria in at least 35 countries and prevent the recurrence of malaria in all countries without malaria.





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