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Africa reduces HIV infection, mortality, but the main target is still elusive-the world

Africa reduces HIV infection, mortality, but the main target is still elusive-the world


Brazzaville, December 7, 2021 – Africa has made great strides against HIV over the last decade, reducing new infections by 43% and halving AIDS-related deaths. However, according to World Health Organization (WHO) analysis, the continent is unlikely to end AIDS as a public health threat by 2030, with many countries major eradication milestones and worsening COVID-19. We are lagging behind our challenges.

To achieve the 2030 global development goal of ending AIDS, countries should have 95% of people living with HIV know their condition by 2025 (Goal 1). 95% of people who know are being treated (Goal 2), 95% should be ensured Among those who are being treated, viral load is suppressed (Target 3). The fast-track strategy to end AIDS was initiated by the Joint United Nations Program on HIV / AIDS (UNAIDS) in December 2015, and in December 2020 the new 95-95-955 year plan replaced the previous goal. ..

WHO uses the scorecard released today at the International Conference on AIDS and Sexually Transmitted Diseases in Africa in Durban, South Africa to track progress towards the 95-95-95 goal. According to the scorecard, in December 2021, countries in the African region reported that 87% of people living with HIV knew their condition, 77% of whom were on treatment and 68% of whom had low viral load. I am reporting. So far, only nine countries, Botswana, Cape Verde, Kenya, Lesotho, Malawi, Nigeria, Rwanda, Uganda and Zimbabwe, are on track to reach their 95-95-95 goals by 2025. increase.

“This scorecard is an awakening call for the African government to continue to focus on eradicating AIDS,” said Dr. Matidiso Moetti, Director of the WHO Africa Regional Bureau. “COVID-19 has made the fight against HIV even more difficult, but one virus must not beat another. We need to work on COVID-19 and HIV in parallel.”

According to the scorecard, no country has achieved all three goals of 95-95-95, but Eswatini has surpassed the first two, sees a third goal, and is being treated. 93% suppress the viral load.

Cape Verde, Djibouti and Kenya have achieved their first goal. Cape Verde also came in second. Eight countries have nearly achieved their first goal and three (Rwanda, Uganda, Zimbabwe) are approaching their second goal, but inadequate access to HIV testing and treatment in the major populations has made progress. I’m hindering you. Community-based services and clean medical facilities help men, drug users, sex workers, and other key people who have sex with men get the medical care they need.

Target 3 progresses the least, with 48% of countries not reporting data. This is due to the lack of viral load testing centers in many countries, especially in rural areas. This was exacerbated during the COVID-19 pandemic as laboratories began to focus on new viruses.

“Africa is here, and we know how to end AIDS, but we do not promise that the government will take on new impetus, increase resources and strengthen vulnerable health systems. As long as we can’t take the last step, “Dr. Moetti said.

Key steps to accelerate the momentum against illness are HIV, especially by decentralizing services to the grassroots and eliminating user fees for key services, increasing government funding for HIV programs, and promoting the fight against stigma. Includes improved access to treatment and care. Discrimination so that those in need of care are not afraid to ask for it.

(the end)

Media contacts:

Collins Boakye-Agyemang

Communication Officer

WHO Africa Regional Office

[email protected]

Tel: + 242 06 520 65 65

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WHO Africa Regional Office

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Tel: +242 065 081 009




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