Britain’s most vulnerable people at risk of losing 60% of their income | World News
Loopholes in government guidance have left some of the country’s most vulnerable people up to 60% of their income, ending lockdowns, and forcing many to endanger their health. One of Britain’s largest charities warns.
It employs approximately 2.5 million British residents and hundreds of thousands, and has been identified by the government as “extremely clinically vulnerable.” They were ordered to shield at home until the end of June, but their employers did not have to complete them.
the study Citizens advised that more than 70% of the 2,000 people who were infected with, or were at high risk for, coronavirus who contacted them for help were not exterminated.
The study also found that more than one in ten people in the shielded group worked out-of-home, including those who received organ transplants or had severe lung conditions.
Dame Gillian Guy, CEO Citizen’s advice, Said: “People wearing shields have the right to be fooled while their health is at risk [otherwise] Some people face impossible choices: pay bills or protect their health. “
Fay, a care home worker, needs to be shielded because she has blood cancer. She is currently angry but is expected to return to work on June 19. “I watch every day’s daily broadcast waiting for something, but I haven’t heard anything about the sick person who works,” she said. “I don’t know which way to turn. Will I go back to work and take a chance?”
Since lockdown began, about 2,000 people have been buying employment cases through Citizens Advice. More than a quarter of these shields have lost 60% of their income since the outbreak of the coronavirus. 4 out of 10 lose at least 20%.
Some were denied access to the furlough scheme. Others were initially in desolation, but were then asked to return to the front-line roles as store assistants and delivery drivers, feeling that they could not refuse.
the government Told a charity Employers of social enterprises recognize that there is no exemption for vulnerable workers at the end of the Coronavirus employment retention system.
Sara, a 2-year-old mother, is said to have to shield her 3-year-old daughter because of her asthma and allergies. Sarah is currently absent from work in preschool, but is said to have to take unpaid leave if she doesn’t return to work when she opened on June 1.
“I was basically told to choose between my daughter’s health and food on the table,” she said. “It’s stressful. I can’t concentrate, I can’t sleep, I can hardly eat.”
Public Health Shield Guidance in England Only qualified For legal sick pay. Employers have no legal obligation to fully protect the employees they shield.
Citizen’s Advice Liverpool’s Health Program Leader, Debbie Nolan, coordinates phone calls to check health with the people in the shielded group. She said: “We have seen rising health and safety concerns over the last two weeks. People with serious medical conditions and those living with them were asked to return to work. Because there is. “
I asked the Labor Pension Bureau for comment.
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