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Blacks say they are skeptical about the COVID-19 vaccine. I have to explain why


Illustration of an article titled How to Write About a Vaccine

Photo: MLADEN ANTONOV (AFP via Getty Images)

Ah AP communication A poll published Wednesday said that a “surprisingly small” number of Americans (about 50%) could get the COVID-19 vaccine if they had one. Overall, nearly one-third said they weren’t sure they would be vaccinated, and another 20% said they would completely refuse.

But as with the coronavirus since the pandemic hit the United States, this is also about race.

The AP article, like other publications, is the group most likely to say that black Americans are not vaccinated, with 40% (the other 32% said they were unsure). did. Latinx respondents were also less likely to say so than whites 37% said they would be vaccinated and another 60% would not be vaccinated or were not sure.

Black Americans were less interested in getting the COVID-19 vaccine than Republicans. Absent Get the vaccine. In general, support for the vaccine was strongest among Democrats, the elderly and whites.

According to the AP article, blacks are most likely to die from the virus. The reason that African Americans may be more skeptical of early vaccines than other groups is that it is not mentioned.

This is not just a secondary observation or a useful historical context. The focus is on understanding the historical and systemic obstacles faced by many African Americans seeking appropriate health care.

These disorders are pervasive in the coronavirus pandemic itself. Medical desertPeople who live in historically redlined communities have no access to doctors and hospitals. Chronic condition It has not been diagnosed or treated because the cost and burden of finding suitable health care is prohibitive. People living in race caste are black General health And resilience.

However, due to the history of hundreds of years of abuse by medical institutions, some African Americans, Latino Americans, and indigenous people are wary of medical intervention. The slaved Africans who fled the plantation were cut off for treatment.Drape mania, ”Or“ Runaway Slave Syndrome ”. Recent ProPublica Survey Discovered an unbalanced number of Black Americans in those same counties undergoing amputation until today. The Tuskegee syphilis study was famous for giving syphilis to black men without their consent, after which they ruled out treatment for the disease. In Puerto Rico, low-income women died while taking part in an initial contraceptive trial. So Washington Post “No autopsy was done to see if their death was drug-related,” he wrote.

These abuses extend far beyond these examples and are not conversational tangents about the viability and popularity of future COVID-19 vaccines. By omitting it, news publications eliminate the basic fact that there are some unshared American history that continue to shape the lives and perceptions of people today.

Lifehacker’s Beth Skwarecki Also, be careful not to explicitly interpret this report as an anti-vaccine. Note that uncertainty about being a “guinea pig” is a legitimate concern of being “specific to a brand new vaccine” and should not necessarily be compared to other long-standing ones. Just like a vaccine.

“The reason for being skeptical here overlaps with the hesitation of the vaccine, as we know it,” she tweeted, “but they are not the same.”

The road to discovery of the COVID-19 vaccine could last months, if not more than one month, so the report on this issue has racially differentiated Americans with respect to medical intervention. It is important to consider history. Everything else is unhappy and hides the American people from their own complex and complicated medical history.


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