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What you need to know when traveling with your child

What you need to know when traveling with your child


Mother wearing a mask on a child in a child seat before traveling
If travel is required, pediatricians are advised to pack additional masks and hand sanitizers.

Families crave for a normal feeling, but vacation trips and gatherings Omicron COVID-19 variant spread.Even if more people are vaccinated with COVID-19 New recommendations for booster shots Children over the age of 16 still have infants under the age of 5 who have not yet been vaccinated.

Nivedita More, MD, Stanford Children’s Health Pediatrician, Unnecessary travel, Especially for unvaccinated children.

“Even if these children are masked, they are at risk of getting infected during transportation, travel, and landing if they are not vaccinated,” says Dr. Moa. “All these risks still exist.”

However, if you decide to travel, there are some things you can do to reduce your risk. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) COVID-19 vaccination is recommended It is safe and effective in reducing the risk and spread of infection. So Dr. Moa tells you to make sure that everyone in your family and the people you are visiting are vaccinated if possible.And don’t forget about other things Seasonal vaccine, Like below Influenza vaccination..

“We are now in the midst of a cold and flu season,” she adds. “Whatever vaccine your child can get to protect against illness, they need to get them before you travel.”

If someone has symptoms in your family or the people you are visiting, Dr. Moa tells you to cancel your trip for safety.She is also a patient CDC website What to check COVID-19 Community diffusion rate It looks like you are at your destination to better assess your risk.

Is it a car or an airplane?

To limit contact with the public, Dr. Moa recommends that people travel by car, especially if your child is too young to be vaccinated.Don’t forget to take a break at a gas station or rest area Please wear a maskUse hand sanitizers to keep you away from others. You can also pack your own snacks.

If you fly American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) We recommend taking direct flights and, if possible, shorter flights so you don’t have to walk to another airport to change flights.

“If your flight time is less than two hours, avoid eating and drinking if possible, so you don’t have to remove your mask,” says Dr. Moa. “And there’s a whole new side to traveling with babies under the age of two who can’t even mask. I recommend not traveling by plane for families with children under the age of two.”

Other tips for your trip

Besides common infection prevention measures and vaccines, Dr. Moa has other advice to help your vacation trip go smoothly and safely.

  • Make sure your child has the right one Car seat Or booster seat. Have an adult or older sibling sit behind you with your toddler for easy care.
  • Don’t entertain children Screening time This is because you can get motion sick while you are on the road, especially if you are under 2 years old.
  • Prepare the kids for what to expect on the trip. Please explain the security process before you fly.
  • To relieve your child’s stress while traveling, try to get as close as possible to your normal daily routine, such as: Sleep schedule and meal time..
  • If you rent a villa, please be aware that your child may not be protected. For small children, families are advised to bring a playpen to create a safe place.

Family traditions may need to be put on hold for two years, but the steps we take minimize our risks and keep us and our loved ones safe during this holiday season. Useful for.




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