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Wisconsin authorities, medical system recognizes the 1-year mark of COVID-19 vaccine

Wisconsin authorities, medical system recognizes the 1-year mark of COVID-19 vaccine


Madison, Wisconsin (WMTV)-Wisconsin officials have confirmed that one year has passed since the first COVID-19 vaccine was given in the state on Tuesday.

UW Health Respiratory Therapist Tina Schubert was the first person to receive the COVID-19 vaccine in the state. Schubert says vaccines allow schools to return to face-to-face learning, bring together family and friends, and the medical community has learned more about vaccines. These all give her hope.

“It was very important to me to get the vaccine first. The vaccine is safe and I’m fine because I was able to set an example for my daughter and the community, especially those who look like me,” Schubert said. Told.

Governor Tony Evers would like to thank state-wide agencies and partners for supporting this ongoing effort.

“Wisconsin is a national leader in getting shots available with weapons, and this job can keep our kids, families and communities healthy and safe and put this pandemic behind us. It’s essential to be able to do it, “Evers said. “Without the dedication of vaccinators, partners and Wisconsins in every corner of the state, we couldn’t get here.”

In the last year 6.7 million COVID-19 vaccines were administered To the residents of Wisconsin. Over 61% of the states have received at least the first injection and 57.4% have completed the vaccine series. In addition, more than 1.2 million booster shots were issued.

Evers also noted that nearly 3,000 registered healthcare providers and more than 2,500 healthcare providers continue to be actively vaccinated.

Karen Timberlake, Secretary-General of the Department of Homeland Security, encouraged Wisconsinites to be proud of how far they came, but knows that the work is not done yet.

“It’s important to keep sharing information with everyone who is eligible for the COVID-19 vaccine, especially as cases and hospitalizations continue to grow,” Timberlake said. “Also, to get the booster effect, everyone 16 years or older is required 6 months after the second Pfizer or Moderna vaccination, or 2 months after the Johnson & Johnson shot. Vaccine booster dose is , Provides additional protection from COVID-19 as we head towards the holiday season. “

Dr. Jeff Pothoff of UW Health said that once a new mutant of concern is identified, the current vaccine will continue to be effective against the Delta mutant, providing some protection against the new Omicron mutant. Said it looks like.

“These vaccines are very good at doing what every vaccine is designed to do, even in the delta variant era, to prevent serious illness and death,” says Pothoff. I did. “But the icing on the cake also has the ability to prevent you from getting sick in the first place.”

SSM Health states that it received the first shipment of the COVID-19 vaccine on December 15, 2020 and began the first dose on the same day.

Holly Teater, an ICU nurse, received the first injection, and employee health nurse Amanda Lewis gave the first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine. Lewis later told SSM Health that this would be the story she would talk to her grandchildren, pointing out the historical importance of giving the first dose of the medical system.

SSM Health has received more than 325,000 doses in clinics, hospitals, and mobile vaccine events over the past year. SSM Health is currently partnering with local school districts to provide the COVID-19 vaccine directly to students and their families.

Copyright 2021W MTV. all rights reserved.





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