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Pediatricians and parents consider COVID-19 vaccine for children 6 months to 4 years old

Pediatricians and parents consider COVID-19 vaccine for children 6 months to 4 years old


College Station, Texas (KBTX)-Millions of children may soon be eligible for coronavirus vaccination.

Currently, clinical trials are underway in children aged 6 months to 4 years. Millions of children over the age of 5 are already eligible for the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine.

by American Pediatric SocietySince the start of the pandemic, children have accounted for 17.2% of all cases of COVID-19. That percentage has increased slightly since last week. In the week leading up to 9 December, 23.6% of the reported COVID-19 cases were children under the age of 18. Children under the age of 18 make up 22.2% of the US population.

The Houston-based Texas Children’s Hospital is conducting research on the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine in young children. In this particular study, children will be given either a placebo or a tenth dose of the vaccine that adults will receive.

Dr. Jessie Par has been treating children at College Station’s Texas Pediatrics Department for over 40 years. He understands parents’ concerns about the COVID-19 vaccine in children, but says he guarantees them that the vaccine is safe.

“This is a vaccine technology. It’s not new. It was, and we didn’t need it. It’s effective. It doesn’t insert anything into your body forever,” Par says. I did. “It triggers your body’s immune system to produce antibodies, protecting it from viruses that can cause serious illness not only in medically complex children, but also in normal and healthy children.”

Parents have mixed feelings about vaccines. Lauren Whitehead at College Station and Courtney Perez of Brian both have children under the age of four, and both expect children soon. Their views on vaccines are different, but parents say they must do their best for their children and their families.

“I’ve followed many epidemiologists and public health authorities. In fact, all the data on what they are, all the research, and what they’re taking behind the scenes to approve it from adults. I’ve been looking into it, all the way down, “said Whitehead. “When he qualifies to get it, I’m personally ready to jump into it, because to make sure it’s safe and effective for him and my next son. All the processes carried out are really great for them. “

“I think it’s been pushed a lot, and I’m a little over it. I want to get my life back to normal without all the madness, and I vaccinate my kids I really don’t like the idea of ​​the experiment I used, which certainly worries me, “Perez said. “Rather than trying to do this on a whim with urgent approval, we need to complete more research and really know things and their implications in the long run.”

According to Par, vaccines have been around for years and have undergone the same research and process as last year.

“We can’t give this vaccine to many people and spend time absolutely making sure it’s absolutely safe,” Par said. “We need to find a balance that is safe and effective enough so that the benefits to an individual outweigh the risks to that individual.”

Par says it’s time to get rid of politics from the vaccine conversation and trust doctors and science.

“This is a new horizon for most of us. Unfortunately, everything about COVID is very politically polarized,” Parr said. The virus doesn’t care which party you prefer. It doesn’t matter if you are conservative or progressive. It doesn’t matter if the child’s parents are conservative or progressive. It’s the same illness for everyone. There are effective vaccines. “

Copyright 2021KBTX. all rights reserved.




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