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Why Use Cannabis During Pregnancy

Why Use Cannabis During Pregnancy


Pregnant and lactating people are more likely to use cannabis to manage pregnancy-related symptoms and existing health conditions such as nausea, vomiting, mental health problems, and insomnia, according to a new small study. Seems to be using.

There is no evidence of cannabis prevalence and its effects on offspring, but studies have shown that Published on Monday in the Canadian Medical Association Journal (CMAJ)Reported that cannabis use during pregnancy and lactation appears to be increasing.

However, the study found that the reasons why more pregnant individuals are looking at cannabis “almost do not resonate” with the reasons for recreational cannabis users.

“The reasons for use provided by participants are more closely consistent with those identified in medical cannabis use studies such as pain, anxiety, depression, muscle spasms, nausea and appetite suppression, and sleep, and many more. People use cannabis to manage multiple symptoms, “the author of the study wrote.

The study also found that this group used cannabis to improve mood, mental, physical and mental well-being and to manage stress at several stages of pregnancy. ..

The study investigated 52 Canadians, of whom 51 were female and one was identified as non-dual.

Participants were at least 19 years old, were pregnant or breastfeeding during the past year, and used cannabis during this period or during the 3 months prior to pregnancy.

Data was collected through telephone or video call interviews from November 2020 to March 2021. At the time of these interviews, 30 of the participants were pregnant and the remaining 22 were breastfeeding.

Studies have shown that researchers have been able to identify three categories of reasons why people use cannabis during pregnancy and lactation. Symptom management of chronic and pregnancy-related conditions; and coping with “unpleasant but non-morbid life experiences”.

The reasons participants gave to use cannabis changed throughout their pregnancy journey.

In a pre-pregnancy study, participants reported using cannabis in similar proportions in these three categories, and found that many suggested multiple reasons for use.

Some of these individuals who learned they were pregnant reported that they stopped using cannabis “for fear of harm to their fetuses”, while others reported social stigma, guilt, and health reasons. Some people quit.

However, those who continued to use cannabis during pregnancy reported that they were using cannabis primarily to control pregnancy symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, and pain.

Studies have shown that the reasons for cannabis use changed again after birth and during lactation, returning to something similar to what was expressed before pregnancy.

Researchers state that their sample is “diverse in age, geography, education, and profession,” but is similar to other medical cannabis studies in which participants are likely to be Caucasian or indigenous. I admitted that.

Researchers note that the findings may have “limited transfer potential” to pregnant and lactating people with other racial identities for this reason. ..

According to the researchers, this study suggests the need to counsel pregnant and lactating people about the potential harm of cannabis use, and the need for alternative approaches to symptom management.

“The dynamic nature of the reasons for cross-stage use speaks to participants’ perceptions of their interests and risks, and perhaps their desire to cast cannabis use during pregnancy as a treatment for stigma perception.” The author of the study writes.

Dr. Meredith Vanstone, lead author and associate professor at McMaster University, said in a press release that it is important for doctors to understand why people use cannabis during pregnancy.

“Here’s an opportunity to help pregnant patients explore the benefits they get from cannabis and find alternatives that are known to be safe for both mothers and babies,” Vanstone said. ..

Studies have pointed out that cannabis alternatives can be both medical and therapeutic options.

Other studies suggest Children exposed to cannabis in the womb exhibit higher levels of stress hormones, anxiety, aggression, and hyperactivity. In addition, placental examinations show genetic changes associated with the immune function of mothers who use cannabis.

Another large study last year, led by researchers at Ottawa Hospital, found evidence suggesting that children exposed during pregnancy are at increased risk of being diagnosed with autism. The same research team previously reported that it increased the risk of early labor and was associated with low birth weight.





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