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NJ Offers Home COVID Tests for All Residents in Omicron’s surge – NBC New York

NJ Offers Home COVID Tests for All Residents in Omicron’s surge – NBC New York
NJ Offers Home COVID Tests for All Residents in Omicron’s surge – NBC New York


As the number of COVID-19s in New Jersey continues to grow, two other cities in Essex County will implement new mask orders.

Following the state’s largest city, Newark, the Montclair Township and South Orange Village on Tuesday soon demanded that people wear masks in indoor public spaces. This move has nearly tripled across the state since early December and occurs as a case of coronavirus accelerated by the susceptible Omicron mutant.

Like the majority of the United States, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention classifies Essex County as a community-sensitive area, and the councilors who introduced Montclair’s Maskmandate cited the need for more vaccinations as a reason. ..

The largest city in New Jersey placed a new mask order on the same day. Infectious diseases in the state approached a high of 11 months for 5 consecutive days. Reported by Tracy Strahan.

“The reason is that not everyone is backed up and some are still unvaccinated. Today, Omicron variants are crazy spreading across the country and region.” Said councilor Peter Jacobelis.

Meanwhile, Montclair High School has announced that it will move to all virtual education on Wednesday and Thursday. Director Jonathan Pond said all elementary and junior high schools will have a “shortened day schedule” on Wednesday because of the increasing number of cases of COVID.

He said face-to-face instruction will resume on January 3.

In South Orange, Mayor Sina Colon announced a Maskman date by executive order late Tuesday night. She said on Facebook that the “overwhelming majority” of cases were breakthrough infections.

The South Orange Maplewood School District has already moved high school and one of two junior high schools to full virtual education.

Governor Phil Murphy of New Jersey has stated that he does not intend to follow in the footsteps of New York when it comes to regaining mask requirements. Chris Glorioso of NBC New York reports.

Governor Phil Murphy on Tuesday reported 6,840 new positive PCR tests. According to the report, the total number of cases last week reached a record high every week. New York Times‘ data.

In a recent briefing, Democrats emphasized the need to increase vaccination and booster shots to strengthen defenses against a surge in positive cases, but he has postponed the implementation of mask mandates throughout the state. Instead, the state is focused on vaccination and testing.

According to the CDC, over 70% of people over the age of 12 are fully vaccinated in the county. The total number of New Jerseys who have completed a series of vaccinations is approximately 6.2 million, or 73% of the eligible population.

Omicron is competing ahead of other variants, It is currently the predominant version of the coronavirus in the United States, accounting for 73% of new infections last week., Federal health officials said on Monday. CDC numbers show that the Omicron infection rate increased about 6-fold in just one week.

In many countries, the prevalence of omicron is even higher. It is responsible for an estimated 90% of new infections in the New York region, southeast, industrial midwest, and Pacific Northwest.





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