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Acadiana hospitals are full, but not COVID patients: what you need to know as Omicron spreads. | Coronavirus

Acadiana hospitals are full, but not COVID patients: what you need to know as Omicron spreads. | Coronavirus
Acadiana hospitals are full, but not COVID patients: what you need to know as Omicron spreads. | Coronavirus


For the first time since the pandemic began, the situation at the Virgin Community Medical Center in Lourdes looks pretty normal.

Hospitals have reached capacity not because of coronavirus patients, but because of the normal increase in patients during the winter.

“Currently, the hospital is technically full,” said Dr. Henry Kaufman, Chief Medical Officer of Lourdes. “It’s full of case combinations. It’s not primarily a respiratory illness, but hospitals are usually full at this time of the year.”

At the second largest hospital in Acadiana, there were only 10 inpatients with coronavirus as of Monday afternoon. Those patients made up about 6% of the hospital’s population. During the fourth and worst surge of the August pandemic, more than half of hospital patients were treated with COVID-19.

The situation was similar at Acadiana’s largest hospital, the Ochznara Fayette General Medical Center. As of Tuesday, a total of 10 people were admitted to the region’s main campus and related hospitals with coronavirus from four coronavirus patients a week ago. At the peak of the Delta Serge in August, 172 people were hospitalized throughout the Oxnara Fayette General Hospital.

Dawn Pebby of the Registered Nurse, CEO of Oxner, said: Health Center of Excellence and Service Line. “So we are actively working on how to create additional capabilities. Like many people in the state and across the country, staffing is the biggest challenge in today’s hospitals.”

Coronavirus cases are skyrocketing in Louisiana this week as highly infectious Omicron variants continue to spread throughout the state as hospitals reach capacity. Almost half of the newly reported cases in the state come from the New Orleans region. The Acadiana region accounts for about 6% of new cases in the state.

So far, hospitalizations have remained relatively low, but it is not clear if it will change as the virus continues to spread. On Monday, the last day of data availability, 265 patients across the state were hospitalized with COVID-19, an increase of about one-third from the previous week.

Omicron, now the major coronavirus variant in the United States, is rapidly gaining popularity in Louisiana.

Dr. Catherine Baumgarten, Medical Director of Infection Control and Prevention at Oxner Health, said:

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Authorities and experts warn that mutations in new strains may make it highly contagious and allow it to be re-infected even for those who have a vaccine or protection from previous infections. Did. Health officials say that those who have been vaccinated and received booster shots are more likely to experience significantly milder symptoms or are asymptomatic than those who have not been shot. Is emphasized.

There is early evidence from overseas outbreaks that Omicron variants may not have more serious consequences than previous strains, but many experts wonder if this is the case as the virus spreads. It warns that it is still premature to say. They are also concerned that even though the likelihood of serious illness in Omicron is low, its widespread spread still sends a large number of people to hospitals and risks overwhelming the healthcare system again. Was announced.

Kaufman said he does not expect Acadiana hospitals to experience the significant surge in COVID-19 patients as it did in the region’s largest and worst pandemic wave summer. .. Omicron variants dominate some parts of the country, but Kaufmann said his hospital’s coronavirus census was the worst since the pandemic began.

Kaufman said he was cautiously optimistic in the coming weeks, as about half of Louisiana’s inhabitants are vaccinated and most may have innate immunity from previous infections.

“I think the general mood of the community today is good. I think everyone is looking forward to a Christmas gathering without much concern,” Kaufman said.

“I just want everyone to be smart and safe. In case of illness (whether rhinovirus, cold, flu or COVID), you have to be smart and the people around you. You need to avoid exposure because it affects people in our community. It’s not just COVID. “

According to Baumgarten, COVID-19-related hospitalizations are on the rise at Oxner Hospital, but at this point it was not as serious as the previous pandemic wave. Infectious disease experts encouraged people to get together for vacations but take precautions to reduce their risk. Her recommendations include having a coronavirus test at home before the rally, gathering outdoors, and wearing a mask. Above all, she recommended vaccination or booster immunization.

“If you haven’t been vaccinated, now is the time,” Baumgarten said. “We want to make sure we give boosters when the family is together. We want to make sure they are giving booster gifts. They give the family” Hey, booster shots. Let’s go get it. ” Before we get together on holidays. “

Staff writer Jeff Adelson contributed to this report.




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