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CDC Reduces Healthcare Worker Isolation Time with Covid-19


According to authorities’ new guidelines, Covid-19 healthcare workers could return to work seven days later if they were asymptomatic and had a negative test result, and Thursday’s statement said, “There is a shortage of staff. If so, the isolation time can be further shortened. “

“Our goal is to keep healthcare workers and patients safe, and to deal with and prevent overburdening of healthcare facilities,” said Dr. Rochelle Wallensky, director of the CDC. .. statement..
With that new Guidelines, CDC, negative test results should come within 48 hours of returning to work, and this shortened time frame is for some symptoms if there are “mild symptoms” and the symptoms improve. He added that it may also apply to some staff members.

Authorities also specified that healthcare workers do not need to quarantine “after high-risk exposure” if they receive all recommended vaccinations, including booster shots. Quarantine is when a person who has been exposed to the virus but has not yet been diagnosed with an infection needs to avoid others.

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The CDC emphasized that the new guidelines do not apply to the general public, only to healthcare professionals.

Others with Covid-19 should be quarantined for a full 10 days, according to CDC Guidance.. For anyone who has come into contact with someone in Covid-19, a fully vaccinated person does not need to be quarantined if there are no symptoms. However, the CDC recommends testing after 5-7 days and masking in an indoor public space during that time.

“We very much appreciate the CDC’s very rapid update of guidance,” the Infectious Diseases Society of America said. It is essential to secure people. “

Dr. Leana Wen, CNN’s medical analyst, called for the CDC’s decision to update the guidance to “the right move” to prevent hospitals from over-capacity due to staff shortages caused by isolation guidelines.

However, while healthcare workers’ quarantine periods have been eased, some medical professionals and business leaders, including Wen, will consider reducing the quarantine period for all Americans vaccinated by the CDC. I hope that. The UK has already shortened the quarantine period for those who have Covid-19. Airlines, including Delta and JetBlue, are one of the airlines working on the CDC to reduce worker quarantine times, claiming to help. Avoid issues such as flight cancellations.

“Even if you miss some individuals who may be infected, if the long quarantine period does not discourage them, but allows more people to comply with the shorter period. It may be worth it. There are also trade-offs. ” Wen, a former Baltimore city health commissioner, told CNN’s Wolf Blitzer Thursday.

Fauci states that shorter Covid quarantine periods recommended for complete vaccination are being considered.

Dr. Ashish Jha, Dean of the Faculty of Public Health at Brown University, also isolated 10 days if fully vaccinated people who tested positive for Covid-19 were negative within 10 days. Insist that you don’t have to.

Jha called for research to determine the exact duration of quarantine, suggesting a negative rapid test result for a 5- to 7-day quarantine period.

“Freeing people from quarantine is very important to keep things going, and it’s also important to create incentives to take tests so that people don’t have to be quarantined for 10 days. “Jha said at CNN on Thursday, the CDC’s new guidelines for healthcare professionals are” a step in the right direction. “

“We will continue to evaluate quarantine and quarantine recommendations for larger populations as we learn about Omicron variants and update the general public as needed,” the CDC said in a statement Thursday.

Valensky too Told on CBS News On Wednesday, the CDC said it was “currently actively conducting some modeling analysis to examine and evaluate those data” as to whether to relax the quarantine guidelines for all Americans.

“We expect it to be updated soon,” she said.

CNN’s Jacqueline Howard and Pete Muntean contributed to this report.





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