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Omicron outbreak and diagnosis: the role of COVID-19 testing and vaccination


This variant of the virus may prove to be the predominant variant across the various Covid-19 variants that have recently emerged.

By Neeraj Gupta,

Omicron variants of the coronavirus now pose a threat to the health of millions of people around the world. Although it will take a little longer to comprehensively understand its severity and infection, it is clearly known that this latest variant of the coronavirus is much more contagious than its predecessor (Delta). increase. According to WHO, the number of new Omicron infections is doubling every two days. This variant of the virus may prove to be the predominant variant across the various Covid-19 variants that have recently emerged.

Omicron severity

It is known that people infected with Omicron can develop all kinds of illnesses, from asymptomatic infections to mild illnesses, severe illnesses (organ failure), and even death. Due to the rapid spread of Omicron variants, increased infections can lead to more hospitalizations, straining the medical system, and some fail.

Elderly people with underlying health and unvaccinated individuals are still at risk of serious illness. However, a clear understanding of the severity of Omicron will lead to more research among a large number of infected individuals.

Omicron and diagnostic test

Recently, India’s Minister of Health Union declared that Omicron is unavoidable to RT PCR (reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction) and Rapid Antigen Test (RAT). This means that the RT-PCR test is a reliable test for coronavirus-related infections. Omicron mutation has occurred in the S gene. SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes Covid-19, is detected by observing the S gene, which encodes the spike glycoprotein.

Most of the ICMR-approved RT-PCR test kits used in India focus on the E, Rd Rp, and N genes. Common RT-PCR kits used in diagnostic laboratories can identify the results of RT-PCR tests as positive or negative. Nevertheless, some tests may not be able to determine if a positive result is due to a mutation in the S gene. Patients may be advised to undergo genetic sequencing to correctly identify new variants.

RT-PCR tests by reputable diagnostic laboratories such as Genes2Me can accurately diagnose and detect infections using kits with high specifications for 3 Gene. Faster detection and timely results can help control the speed of this virus. We also developed an RT-Direct RT-PCR kit with an extraction-free protocol with three SARS-COV2-specific genes, with results in just 40 minutes.

Vaccine efficacy

Research is underway to fully understand the potential effects of the virus on existing vaccinated individuals. Vaccines continue to be the best option for reducing the severity of illness, hospitalization, and death from infection with the Omicron variant. However, preliminary studies have shown that there may be an increased risk of reinfection with Omicron (those who are already infected with covid-19) or those who have already been vaccinated.

Due to the approximately 50 mutations in the Omicron variant, including 30 mutations in the peplomer, current vaccines may not be able to build sufficient antibodies to prevent infection from Omicron. New research is being conducted on whether booster doses may increase the effectiveness of the vaccine in the fight against this new variant.

Future method

There are two types of tests currently used to detect coronavirus infections: the RT PCR (reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction) test and the Rapid Antigen Test (RAT). Both of these tests can tell you if you are currently infected. Individuals can also use a reliable diagnostic laboratory self-test kit-Genes2Me can be used at home or anywhere. These self-test kits are easy to use and produce fast results. If your self-test kit is positive, you should stay at home for 10 days, always wear a mask to reduce contact with others, and contact your healthcare provider in case of an emergency. Timely detection of new variants can help break the chain.

Also, vaccines are still the best health measure to get protection from Covid-19. It can reduce rapid transmission and reduce the likelihood of the emergence of new variants. Vaccines are the best option to prevent serious illness, hospitalization, and death in the fight against coronavirus. Elderly people, people with pre-existing illnesses, and immunosuppressed people should be vaccinated immediately to reduce the likelihood of serious illness from this new variant.

(The author is the founder and CEO of Genes 2 Me Pvt Ltd. This article is for informational purposes only. Consult your healthcare professional and / or healthcare professional before starting treatment, dosing, and / or treatment. Please. The expressed views are personal and do not reflect an official position. Financial Express Online Policy.)

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