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Japan-Connecticut currently has a dose of Paxrovid, an oral treatment for Pfizer’s COVID-19

Japan-Connecticut currently has a dose of Paxrovid, an oral treatment for Pfizer’s COVID-19
Japan-Connecticut currently has a dose of Paxrovid, an oral treatment for Pfizer’s COVID-19


Hartford HealthCare received the first shipment of Paxlovid, a new oral COVID-19 treatment, from Pfizer on Monday and is currently working to provide eligible patients with a limited amount of prescription medication.

Dr. Henry Wu, Head of Infectious Diseases at Hartford Healthcare, said in a briefing on Tuesday: “At these times, multiple treatments and multiple medications will be rolled out to really benefit the general public. There wasn’t. ” He adds that the drug “potentially becomes a game changer,” and hopes it keeps people away from the hospital and prevents them from dying.

However, this treatment is not yet widely available. Not everyone can get a prescription because Hartford Healthcare has 140 treatment courses. Wu also emphasized that this is not a substitute for vaccination.

“This is downstream. This is after the fact,” he said. “This does not prevent you from getting a COVID; it does not prevent you from spreading your COVID to others.”

The US Food and Drug Administration Emergency use authorization Last Wednesday, Paxlovid aims to treat mild to moderate COVID-19 in people over the age of 12 who are at high risk of developing a severe illness. Prescription medications are intended to be taken as soon as possible after diagnosis and within 5 days of the onset of symptoms.

In a study of 2,246 high-risk patients, Pfizer said Paxrovid was 89% effective in preventing hospitalization and death. “I’m very confident,” said Pfizer’s senior vice president, who was involved in the development of the treatment. Paxlovid remains effective against the disease-causing omicron variant of coronavirus. STAT reported..

The FDA does not recommend Paxlovid for people with severe renal or liver dysfunction. Also, people with moderate kidney damage need weight loss. This drug is also dangerous to take with certain common drugs.

In order for people to receive their prescription, Wu said he would need to be referred to primary care at Hartford Health Care’s COVID Triage Clinic. This will determine if you are eligible.

According to Wu, the Hartford Healthcare eligibility guidelines are similar to existing monoclonal antibody therapy guidelines, with priority given to people with illnesses and the elderly who significantly interfere with the immune system.

Eric Arlia, vice president of pharmacy services at Hartford HealthCare, said that while there are limits to who can be treated now, “it will feel like the vaccine was done at this time last year,” over time. With the increase in supply. ..

Arlia said the advantage of Paxlovid is that it can be taken at home, but monoclonal antibody therapy is given at the infusion center. In addition, the federal government has suspended shipments because two of the three monoclonal antibody therapies do not appear to be effective against Omicron variants.

But “the best medicines you can use are the ones you can use,” Wu said, giving people a lack of Paxrovid and lack of time when monoclonal treatments are available. He said he didn’t want Pax Rovid to wait. When it comes to treatment, it’s essential.

According to Wu, at Hartford Healthcare, 318 patients across the system were hospitalized for COVID-19 on Tuesday, up from the previous day.

“Fortunately, the ventilator and ICU numbers have leveled off a bit, but as we always know, these numbers tend to lag about a week behind the number of cases,” he added. .. According to Wu, Hartford Healthcare is still capable of treating patients with COVID-19 and non-COVID-19, and there are currently no plans to cancel or postpone selective treatment.

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