Omicron Variant in Shelby County: Health Department issues directive
Omicron is currently the dominant strain of COVID-19 in the United States and Shelby County.
Thousands of new cases have been reported during the Christmas holidays, more than 9,000 active cases, and COVID-19 hospitalizations are increasing, albeit at a slower pace than the previous surge.
In the midst of Omicron’s rapid rise, the Shelby County Health Department issued the 29th Pandemic Health Directive, with minimal changes from previous versions.
In October, Tennessee parliamentarians voted to withdraw mask mandates and business restrictions from autonomous health departments such as those in Shelby County.
The bill is by eight Tennessee children, through parents who sued Lee and Tennessee Board of Education Penny Schwin, alleging that the restrictions violate children’s rights under the American Disability Act. It was immediately challenged in federal court.
December 10th, a federal judge in Nashville temporarily blocked the lawCurrently, the Department of Health has the ability to issue general mask orders to mitigate the spread of COVID-19, but as pointed out by the Shelby County Health Department, it is included in the 29th Health Directive. There are few requirements.
Buckle up, buttercup:Record the case. Long test line. How bad will Omicron be in Memphis and Shelby County? Some experts are optimistic.
Where in Shelby County do I need to wear a mask?
So far, the only places where masks are needed are schools subject to the Americans with Disabilities Act. This includes all schools and many private schools within the Shelby County School System.
“The fact that schools are not legally required by court orders to require masks in indoor spaces is especially during the rise of Omicron, the most infectious variant we have ever faced. It does not mean that it should not be done, “the directive states.
Except for schools, masks are required on all public transport and each terminal. This includes, for example, all airports and bus terminals in the United States.
Otherwise, the health department strongly recommends masking in indoor spaces shared with people outside the household. If a private or public agency requires an individual to wear a mask and posts a notice at the entrance, you must be obliged.
OK, the COVID-19 test was positive. How long do you want to quarantine?
The Health Directive follows the latest quarantine guidelines from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The federal agency changed its guidance in late December to reduce the quarantine period for asymptomatic individuals or individuals with no symptoms (ie, no fever) to five days.
According to the CDC, the reason for the shortened quarantine period is “motivated by science showing that the majority of SARS-CoV-2 infections occur early in the disease, generally 1-2 days before the onset of symptoms. It has been. 2-3 days later. ”
For unvaccinated but COVID-19-infected civilians, the CDC recommends the use of a “strict” mask for an additional 5 days following a 5-day quarantine.
Who should be vaccinated in Shelby County?
The Ministry of Health, elected officials, and hospital managers have appealed to the general public for almost a year to get vaccinated.
Children aged 5 to 17 years should be vaccinated with the appropriate dose of Pfizer BioNTech COVID-19. This particular age group remains the least vaccinated in Shelby County.
Individuals over the age of 18 are eligible for Pfizer, Moderna, or Johnson & Johnson vaccines. Booster shots are recommended 6 months after the first vaccination series.
Employers with the ability to issue vaccine and testing requirements are strongly encouraged to do so with the latest Health Directive.
The availability of the COVID-19 vaccine is shifting primarily to the private sector. Almost all Walgreens and CVS pharmacies are vaccinated in Shelby County. If you are returning to Japan or have difficulty getting the vaccine, Access this page..
Do I need to be tested for COVID-19 in Shelby County if exposed?
You don’t have to take a test. However, the Health Directive encourages you to do so.
And after the Christmas holidays, the drive-through public test site in Shelby County is flooded with miles-long columns, showing Omicron’s growing presence.
The list of public test sites in Shelby County fluctuates according to demand. To see the complete list of test sites Please visit this page.
Micaela Watts is a reporter for The Commercial Appeal and can contact micaela.watts @
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