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UB Doctor: Corona Vaccination Important for Pregnant People | Local News


Buffalo – Jacobs Medical College Doctors at Buffalo University should prioritize immediate access to all three doses of the COVID-19 vaccine (two doses and boost immunization) to anyone who is pregnant or is about to become pregnant. I’m urging you. can.

The current surge in infections, increased social activity during vacations, and detection of Omicron variants all put everyone at much higher risk, especially unvaccinated pregnant people, they say. ..

“The data on what happens to you and your baby if you are unvaccinated and infected with COVID-19 during pregnancy is truly alarming,” said the Vice President of Health Sciences. Allison Blasher, Doctor of Medicine, Dean of the Jacobs School, said. Of medicine and biomedicine at UB.

An urgent focus on pregnancy emerged from discussions among members of the COVID Surge Commission that have been convened since Blusher arrived in western New York earlier this month. The committee is made up of doctors and researchers from all five UB health science schools.

Vaccination rates for pregnant people are much lower than for the entire adult population, perhaps as low as 20%, and even lower in some areas.

Severe illness and even death

According to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, those who become pregnant and become infected with SARS-CoV2 not only develop severe illness and require hospitalization, but some die from it.

“Pregnant women are at increased risk of serious illness and hospitalization due to COVID-19 infection and can have catastrophic effects on pregnancy and the fetus, including preterm birth, stillbirth and other complications,” Erie said. The county’s Doctor of Medicine, Gale Burstein, said. Jacobs School Health Commissioner and Clinical Professor of Pediatrics.

Dr. Tom Russo, MD, Head of Infectious Diseases Department at Jacobs School of Medicine and Physician in UBMD Medicine, continues to be concerned about new medical data on how COVID-19 affects pregnancy. Said.

“Pregnant women with COVID-19 have significantly worse results,” Russo said. “They are more likely to give birth prematurely than uninfected pregnant women, reach the ICU, require a ventilator, and die. Recent data also show that compared to uninfected women, It suggests that the number of deaths in women infected with COVID is increasing.

“The best way to mitigate all these risks is to get either the Pfizer vaccine or the Moderna vaccine, both of which have been shown to be safe for both mothers and babies,” Russo said. increase.

Personal story of vaccination during pregnancy

These data resonated with Elana Tal, MD, a clinical assistant professor of obstetrics and gynecology at Jacobs School, and a UBMD obstetrician and gynecologist at 8 months of gestation.

Tal received both doses of the COVID-19 vaccine as soon as it became available to healthcare professionals while attempting to become pregnant. A few months later she realized she was pregnant. She received a booster shot in the 7th month.

Tal enthusiastically shares her personal story with a pregnant patient who is wary of the vaccine and has not yet been vaccinated. (See video)

“A lot of false information about the vaccine came out early in the pandemic. Since then, it’s very good and high quality, showing that the vaccine is safe both when and when it’s about to get pregnant. I have a lot of scientific data about it. Throughout my pregnancy, “Tal says. “It does not cause miscarriage or infertility.”

Fighting false information

“I believe my role as a physician is to interpret the medical literature and provide relevant information to patients in order to combat false information about the COVID-19 vaccine and pregnancy,” she continued. .. “I am really grateful that there is a lot of good literature showing that vaccines are safe and effective during pregnancy.”

Burstein said the results of COVID-19 vaccination for all patients are continuously monitored. “Both the CDC and the FDA, like all vaccines, carry out ongoing safety monitoring of the COVID-19 vaccine,” she said. “Because of the expected surge in COVID-19 cases associated with the Omicron variant, there is no better time for pregnant or thinking people to get the COVID-19 vaccine. It’s you and yours. It provides an additional layer of protection for the family. ”

And COVID-19 vaccination during pregnancy offers an additional bonus: potential immunity for babies.

“Importantly, babies can get antibodies from vaccinated mothers during pregnancy and lactation, which may help prevent subsequent COVIDs,” Russo said. “Therefore, if you are pregnant or planning to become pregnant, get vaccinated and boosted immunization when you are eligible. It will be in the best interests of you and your baby.”





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