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San Diego County hospitals wary of COVID-19 surge

San Diego County hospitals wary of COVID-19 surge


San Diego (KGTV) — More than 5,976 new COVID-19 cases were reported in San Diego County on Thursday. This is the highest surge since January.

The rise caused a warning to the hospital as they saw a surge in patients.

Over the past few days, hospitals have received multiple alerts from the county, as more than 50% of the county’s emergency department has detoured or detoured. That is, new patients cannot be accepted to continue ambulance traffic and redirect patients to other hospitals that have not reached or are approaching capacity.

The county’s EMS medical director shares that alerts are regular and usually occur 6 to 8 times a month.

Related: County surge of COVID-19 cases affecting regional ER

This is what some medical professionals call a dangerous situation.

On Thursday, the Sharp Healthcare hospital had 41 patients awaiting COVID or test results. It’s up from 29 they saw on Christmas day.

However, emergency service director Joshua McCabe is most concerned that there are currently 298 patients in Sharp’s emergency room, of which 116 have COVID symptoms.

“I’m worried that doctors and nurses will get sick at the same time and lose their abilities,” McCabe said.

RN said the county-wide warning about misappropriation was daunting, but that doesn’t mean that people in need of care wouldn’t receive it.

“If we all continue to divert, we can start triaging patients in need of more acute treatment and be sure to see them,” McCabe explains. We will be able to handle this and overcome it. “

On Wednesday alone, 28,472 San Diego were tested. The problem, McCabe said, is that many people go to the emergency room instead of the test site.

“We need to book an emergency department for people who are ill and need emergency treatment and potential hospitalization from a doctor. It’s not a place where people can come just for testing.” McCabe said.

A Kaiser Permanente spokesman said he also noticed a significant increase in demand for testing, although he did not share a specific amount.

Other hospitals like Radiy Children’s who did not receive the alert told ABC10News that 289 returned positive from 1,173 tests conducted by people of all ages.

A hospital spokesman said 14 children were hospitalized and the number is expected to increase.

According to McCabe, in history, pandemics usually last a couple of years and usually end when the virus is more contagious and less deadly. He wants that to mean, the end is near. He asks others to continue to wear the mask and get vaccinated if they haven’t.

Over the past two weeks, hospital admissions have increased by 19% and ICU stays have increased by 11% across the county.

As of Wednesday, the county reported that there were only 35 readily available ICU beds throughout the county’s hospitals.

Kristi Koenig, EMS Medical Director of San Diego County, said: Staff, staff, structure, “she asks. “And to be honest, it’s pretty tight right now.”

König told ABC`10 News that some of the reasons for the warning were due to staff shortages and increased testing in the emergency room. Therefore ambulances are required to go elsewhere.

“We try to respect your choices, but when things are very crowded, we have more resources at that point, so take them to another emergency department for your safety. You may need to go, “König said.

Scripps Health said there were 154 COVID patients on Thursday. This is an increase of 137 people since Tuesday. There are currently 50 COVID patients in the UCSD Hill Crest Hospital and about 11 in the ICU.

“The inpatients are very full, but the census of the emergency department is fairly stable,” explains Dr. Ted Chiang, an emergency physician at UCSD. There are not enough inpatient beds on the second floor. “

Dr. Chan states that staff throughout the county are also positive on the test. He and other health care professionals are worried that there will be less care for the surge that is expected to continue in the coming weeks. “January will be very difficult,” says Dr. Chan. You are just looking to take the test, don’t go to the emergency department. “

Medical professionals emphasize whether the patient wants to be tested. Avoid being tested in the emergency room unless you show severe symptoms.

König explains that the hospital is experiencing a long line. This can put potential patients in a vulnerable position to obtain a COVID.She asks you to visit one of the counties Test site..




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