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Here’s everything you need to know about mindfulness meditation and how it helps relieve anxiety and psychological stress.

Here’s everything you need to know about mindfulness meditation and how it helps relieve anxiety and psychological stress.


Have you ever felt uneasy about your work while lying in bed and relaxing? Or have you ever experienced thinking about relaxing while preparing for a busy day? If not at that moment, you may feel anxious, frustrated, out of control, and lead to stress and, in some cases, depression. In the desperate, fast-paced world we are in, many of us deal with the anxieties of suffering from stress and feeling overwhelmed and exhausted.Read again- 5 Easy Steps to Refocus When Dealing with Anxiety and Panic

Many people who come to me for healing and spiritual counseling are experiencing anxiety, stress, and other spiritual challenges. For a variety of reasons, but one thing that helps them on their journey is beginning to realize! And that is the essence of “mindfulness”. Read again- 5 Yoga Asanas to Avoid Heart Attack

Meditation in the Indian knowledge system is about “Dyana”, “Dana”, and “Samadhi”. In the process, we need to first notice from the outside and then move our awareness inward towards all thoughts, actions, emotions and reactions. There are various meditation techniques you can choose from, such as mantra, mindfulness, and transcendence. Read again- Kareena Kapoor Khan breaks silence after being devastated to name her son “Jehangil Ali Khan”

Mindfulness meditation is very popular today. The term “mindfulness” is a Western term used in Buddhist techniques (taken from the practice of yoga meditation) that are currently fully and non-judgmentally aware. The method of mindfulness meditation is to sit comfortably, focus on breathing patterns, and bring mental awareness to the present without worrying about the past or future of life.

When you are fully aware of this now, you will focus on the current moment and become reflexive rather than reactive. Practice makes it easy for us to keep ourselves away from them without tagging our thoughts and feelings as good or bad. Practicing mindfulness meditation brings emotional as well as physical and mental benefits and frees you from long-term anger, depression, or depression.

There are two types of intervention. Mindfulness practices focus on current mental health and therapy work.

  • Mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) Interventions that include daily mindfulness exercises and meditation for practicing at home. This guides people to increase their mindfulness through yoga and meditation and helps release the stress-causing, stuck emotions.
  • Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT) Is an intervention that combines MBSR with cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) to treat people with depression and anxiety.

How can it help relieve anxiety and stress?

When you listen to your thoughts and feelings, you will reach the point of acceptance and forgiveness. In addition, when you witness the experience you have experienced, you “separate” yourself from the incident that allows you to dial down the body’s response to the stress you are experiencing.

By becoming aware of your body and thoughts, you will be present at that moment without having to judge yourself. As a result, the stress response is reduced and oxygen is increased. If you do this on a regular basis, various studies will change the stress pathways in your brain and change the structure of your brain that is associated with emotional regulation.

But what if you practice “mindfulness” on a regular basis in relation to your level of stress and anxiety?

  1. Notice and retreat. You will notice how you are dealing with it in real time and gradually become more responsive to stress rather than responsive.
  2. Be human, and we forget that we are human, not human deeds! As it is happening, we begin to experience our lives. This helps us live at that moment and dramatically reduce anxiety and stress-based fear.
  3. Reducing the Amygdala Response – The amygdala is a region of the brain that switches on stress responses and reduces mental and physical anxiety.
  4. You can experience the improvement of concentration, concentration and productivity.

Mindfulness practice (3-5 minutes):

  1. Sit comfortably.Focusing on mind, body and spirit
  2. Start by focusing on your breathing. Be aware of your breath as you inhale and exhale in the natural rhythm of your breath.
  3. Now slowly start to notice your body, just notice, no reaction.
  4. Be aware of whether you can feel stress in your body. Physical tension, faster heart rate, slight sweating, tummy butterflies, back, shoulder and chin tension, probably. Watch out for your stress signals.
  5. Listen to your emotions. Notice how you feel. Witness the feeling you are experiencing.
  6. Brings a careful attitude to emotions. These include curiosity, friendliness and acceptance.
  7. Take care of your mind and body and feel your body and environment as a whole – sound, smell, tactile sensation. All the senses have increased.
  8. Please stay here for a while.
  9. You can practice your affirmations here while inhaling and exhaling.
  10. When you’re ready, end this meditation.

(Article by ModMonkAnshul, Founder SoulSchool Business Psychologist, Spiritual Coach, Mystic)





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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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