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Two White-tailed Deer Tests Positive for Chronic Wasting Disease in the Same Area as Previous CWD Lewis-Clark Valley Community

Two White-tailed Deer Tests Positive for Chronic Wasting Disease in the Same Area as Previous CWD Lewis-Clark Valley Community


Ida Hofish and Game

Idaho Fish and Games officials received a notice on Wednesday, December 29, that two white-tailed deer in the Slate Creek area north of Riggins tested positive for chronic wasting disease. These are the third and fourth deer that have been tested positive for CWD in the area. In Idaho, the first CWD was detected in two mule deer harvested by hunters in the Slate Creek area in November.

“Unfortunately, these latest CWD detections show that surveillance efforts are working. The CWD epidemic and what percentage of deer populations we receive from hunters and landowners are affected. Thanks for your help in knowing what you might get, said Rick Ward, the state’s wildlife manager for fish and games.

After the first CWD detection in November, the Idaho Fish Games Commission has monitored the CWD management zone, which includes all of Units 14 and 15, and includes some of Units 14 and 15 and four other adjacent hunting units. The area has been established.

Fish and Game created 35 special CWD surveillance hunts in December to intensively monitor deer disease harvested in these areas and collect additional samples from deer harvested by hunters. did.

As of December 29, Fish and Game took 448 samples in the CWD surveillance zone and tested negative. Four were tested positive – they were all in the slate creek drainage channel. Samples collected from 72 deer are still pending research results in the Colorado State University laboratory. Throughout the state, Fish and Game tested CWD for more than 2,500 animals in 2021.

Fish and game biologists remain in the information gathering stage, waiting for the results of all pending CWD tests.

“Test results from deer harvested in the surveillance area are still pending,” Ward said. “Once all test results are available, we will evaluate management options. Hunters and the general public will be involved in this process as the Fish and Games Commission will discuss future CWD management behavior.”

At Units 14 and 15, deer and elks are in the lowlands of winter, so it is illegal for fish and game officials to feed deer and elks within the CWD management zone (Units 14 and 15). It reminds people of that. People rescuing deer, elks, or elks killed on the road must not remove their heads or spine from the area unless they are taken to a fish and game area office for CWD testing. ..

CWD is a neurological disorder that affects deer, elk, mousse, and caribou. There is no actual live test of this disease, so the only way to determine how many animals may be is to take a sample from a dead animal. Fish and Game has been testing CWD since 1997 and has sampled more than 20,000 animals since then.

For the first time in Idaho, CWD is found in 27 states in the United States and four states in Canada. CWD was detected in Wyoming in the mid-1980s and was first detected in Montana in 2017. For more information on CWD at Idaho, please visit the following URL:

According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, there are no reports of CWD infections in people. However, for safety reasons, public health authorities advise people not to eat meat from animals that test positive for CWD, and hunters must follow these. Notes and recommendations.





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