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The COVID-19 test in New Brunswick has changed.This is what you need to know

The COVID-19 test in New Brunswick has changed.This is what you need to know
The COVID-19 test in New Brunswick has changed.This is what you need to know


Faced with the increased burden on the healthcare system from the Omicron COVID-19 variant, the state government announced on New Year’s Eve that it would reduce PCR testing for the general population.

Health Minister Dorothy Shepherd said in a press conference on Friday, “If 1,000 cases occur daily, more than 160 COVID-19 patients could be seen in New Brunswick hospitals by mid-January. “. State’s response to the surge in Omicron cases.

Which test should I take?

As of 11:59 on Tuesday, PCR testing will only be available in certain populations that are considered high risk. This includes:

  • People in the highest risk areas, such as health care workers, long-term care facilities, homeless shelters, people living or working in correctional facilities.
  • People who are symptomatic and over 50 years old.
  • People who are symptomatic and immunocompromised or pregnant.
  • Those who need a PCR test for travel.
  • People identified as a priority by public health.

Those who are not qualified for the PCR test should have a rapid test.

“Everyone else, including those who have symptoms but are under the age of 50 and are not vulnerable, will undergo a Point of Care rapid test instead,” said Dr. Jennifer Russell, a medical officer. rice field.

Rapid positive tests are treated as positive results. In other words, there is no need to confirm by PCR test. If your test is positive at home, you will need to register your test results online next week using the new form available on the New Brunswick Government’s COVID-19 website.

Rapid test There is a shortage of supply in the state. However, according to public health, another 504,000 tests will arrive on January 6th, and another 2 million tests will arrive from January 7th to 12th.

Shortened quarantine requirements

For those who tested positive for either rapid or PCR, isolation requirements were relaxed depending on vaccination status.

Those who have been vaccinated with a positive test result should be quarantined for 5 days, and those who have not been vaccinated should be quarantined for 10 days.

Household close contacts are also required to follow the same guidance based on vaccination status.

“When we reach 1,000 cases a day, we could see more than 160 COVID-19 patients in New Brunswick hospitals by mid-January,” said Health Minister Dorothy Shepherd. (GNB / YouTube)

According to the state, shorter quarantine requirements are “staff shortages among those who support critical infrastructure such as healthcare, long-term care, electricity, water, law enforcement, transportation, food security, child care and education. It means “helps to prevent”.

Even after quarantine is complete, people are always required to wear masks and stay away from rallies and vulnerable environments for another five days.

If symptoms appear in close contact, you will be asked to undergo a rapid test unless you meet the requirements for a PCR test.

New Brunswick is not the only state that has relaxed quarantine requirements. Russell said the move was based on the latest science.

“We know that the duration of transmission is short. We know that the virus is shed for a short time.”

With this change, people may be able to return to work if their symptoms improve or subside for at least 24 hours.

Reduction of contact tracing

Those who test positive for COVID-19 are expected to do their own contact tracing right now.

“With this rapid growth of cases, we do not have the resources to track all new cases of COVID-19 and their direct contact,” Russell said.

Dr. Jennifer Russell, Chief Medical Officer of Health, said resources for extensive contact tracing are no longer available. (GNB / YouTube)

Close contacts are those who are within 2 meters of the active case for at least 15 minutes. If the test is positive, you should contact someone in close contact within 2 days before the onset of symptoms. If you have a positive, asymptomatic test, you should contact the person you contacted two days before the test.

Guidance for families seeking childcare

According to Dominique Cardy, Minister of Infant Development, if a child or staff member in a day care facility develops new or worsening symptoms of COVID-19, they should be kept away until a rapid test is negative.

However, if symptoms such as seasonal allergies continue or recur, they may continue to attend daycare facilities and do not require rapid testing.

Minister of Education and Infant Development Domini Cardy. (GNB / YouTube)




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