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Teens and young adults driving record Covid cases in the U.S., health officials say | U.S. News

Teens and young adults driving record Covid cases in the U.S., health officials say | U.S. News
Teens and young adults driving record Covid cases in the U.S., health officials say | U.S. News


As the United States sees Record number Of the daily coronavirus cases caused by highly contagious Omicron variants, public health officials across the country say adults under the teens are contributing to this increase.

The rise in Covid-19 under the age of 50 is consistent with a surge in infant cases and is a nasty increase in pediatric hospitalization.

The seven-day average of US pediatric hospitalizations from December 21st to December 27th increased by 58% to 334. The increase in hospitalization for all age groups was about 19%.Less than 25% of U.S. children are vaccinated, Reuters report..

In Los Angeles County, adults aged 18 to 49 accounted for more than 70% of coronavirus cases recorded between December 22 and December 28. According to the Los Angeles Times.. The case rate per 100,000 is the fastest growing in that age group.

More than 27,000 new cases were seen in the county on 31 December, dramatically exceeding the average daily of 16,000 in the winter of 2021. According to the newspaper, about 25% of all coronavirus tests in Los Angeles County are positive.

Further analysis shows that the infection rate for people between the ages of 18 and 29 is more than eight times higher than it was a month ago. Adults in their 30s and 40s have 6 times more cases.

“Many people in this age group are important members of our workforce … and these are also people who are very likely to go out for recreation,” said Barbara, director of public health at the county. Feller was reported to have said.

“In many cases, this age group has not experienced the worst consequences of increased infection,” Feller continued. “And from time to time, it made it more difficult for individuals to pay attention to the need to be vigilant in adhering to all public health measures.”

Concerns about US economy and health care system May suffer Furthermore, in January, staff shortages further hampered commerce and public services, not because of restrictions such as blockades, but because of a very widespread illness, including relatively mild cases.

On the other hand, the infection rate of children aged 5 to 11 has doubled. Adults between the ages of 18 and 44 have Covid infections in nearby Orange County, California, according to a Times report.

Coronavirus cases have increased dramatically among adults under the age of teens in southern Nevada. As of December 24, 18-24 years old, there were 44.7 cases per 100,000 people, an increase of 131% from the Las Vegas Review Journal a week ago. report..

In Dallas County, Texas, cases of coronavirus increased by 76% in a week, as reported on December 28. Dallas Morning News.. Adults between the ages of 18 and 29 accounted for almost 25% of these cases.

And in the last week of December, a Michigan hospital system reported a 21% increase in coronavirus cases between the ages of 21 and 35 compared to the previous week.

Michigan hospitals also report an increase in younger age groups in December, many of whom have not been vaccinated. According to ABC12 News..

“This is no coincidence, it’s a significant number of unvaccinated age groups,” said Bob Linnie, President and Chief Operating Officer of Henry Ford’s healthcare business. health System told ABC12 News. “The majority of Covid patients in our hospital are not vaccinated.”

According to one report, children’s hospitals in the Chicago area experienced the largest increase in coronavirus cases and hospitalizations this week. “We’ve seen the largest number since the pandemic actually started,” said Michael Capello, Vice President of Advocate Children’s Hospital. NBC5 told Chicago.

Allison Bartlett, who teaches about pediatric infectious diseases at the University of Chicago, told the station:

In New York, the state’s best health official caveat An example of a “significant increase” in a pediatric Covid-19 hospitalization.

“The risks of Covid-19 for children are real,” said Dr. Mary T. Bassett, State Health Commissioner. From the week of December 5th to the week of December 24th, pediatric Covid-19 hospitalizations quadrupled.

As the number of cases in young demographics grows, authorities are preparing for yet another winter surge, but it may be shorter than the previous surge.

Researchers at Columbia University say the United States could reach its peak in about 2.5 million cases per week by January 9. However, they could reach 5.4 million metric, the New York Times reported.

According to the report, 54,747,971 Covid-19 cases have occurred and 825,552 people have died in the United States. Johns Hopkins University Data, Because the pandemic struck the United States almost two years ago.




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