Many hangover treatments lack scientific evidence: research
As people around the world shake off their post-New Year’s Eve hangovers, one may be surprised to find that many treatments don’t really have much science to back them up.
A Review of past studies No convincing scientific evidence was found in the number of alleged hangover treatments that they were actually working.
A team of researchers at Kings College London, South London and the Moseley NHS Foundation Trust have found only “very low quality evidence” that these treatments are effective in treating or preventing alcohol-induced hangovers.
Treatments for hangovers that were evaluated as part of a review published in the journal Addiction on Friday include:
Duolac ProAP4 (Probiotics)
N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine (NAC)
Rapid recovery (L-cysteine, thiamine, pyridoxine, ascorbic acid)
Loxoprofen (loxoprofen sodium)
SJP-001 (naproxen and fexofenadine)
Phyllpro (Phyllanthus amarus)
Clobinol (extract of clove buds)
Hovenia dulcis Thunb. Fruit extract (HDE)
Acanthopanax (PEA) polysaccharide-rich extract
Red ginseng
Korean pear juice
Thorny pear
Artichoke extract
“Morning fit” (dried yeast, thiamine nitrate, pyridoxine hydrochloride, riboflavin)
Tolfenamic acid
“The symptoms of a hangover can cause significant distress and affect people’s employment and academic performance,” lead author Emart Roberts said in a press release. For this reason, the effectiveness of hangover treatments “seems to bring considerable public interest,” he added.
“Our study found that the evidence for these treatments for hangovers is very low quality and we need to provide a more rigorous assessment,” Roberts said.
This review reviewed 21 placebo-controlled randomized trials of various hangover treatments.
Although some studies have shown a statistically significant improvement in hangover symptoms, researchers have found that all evidence is “very poor quality”, primarily due to methodological limitations or inaccurate measurements. I say there was.
In addition, the researchers noted that no two studies were reported on the same hangover treatment, and neither of the results was independently reproduced.
Of the 21 studies surveyed, eight were conducted on male participants only. Researchers also found that the study also had a “significant difference” in the type of alcohol given and whether it was served with food.
In addition to adopting more rigorous methods to assess the symptoms of a hangover, researchers advise that future studies will also include more gender diversity.
“For now, the surest way to prevent the symptoms of a hangover is to refrain from alcohol or drink moderately,” Roberts said.
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