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Why cloth masks aren’t enough to spread Omicron

Why cloth masks aren’t enough to spread Omicron


Doctors are now urging people to throw away cloth masks because of the proliferation of infections caused by the rapidly spreading variants of Omicron, including those vaccinated. Instead, it is recommended to pair the cloth mask with the surgical model or move to a stronger breathing mask.

The Mayo Clinic began Thursday, requiring all patients and visitors to wear a surgical mask or N95 or KN95 mask. Those who wear a single-layer homemade cloth mask, gator or bandana, or a mask with vents will be provided with a medical grade mask to wear on top of it.

According to infectious disease experts, single-layer cloth masks, which many prefer comfort and style, can block large droplets that carry the virus, but are less effective at blocking small aerosols and particles that carry the virus. Not the target.

The latest guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that people wear masks. This includes a multi-layered, tightly woven mask with a snug fit and adjustable wire nose bridge. We also suggest using a disposable mask underneath the cloth mask, reserving an N95 mask for healthcare professionals, and layering the mask.

However, many experts in the field say that certain masks are more effective at protecting people from Omicron varieties than other masks, and cloth masks alone are not.

“If you really don’t want to be exposed, you need to wear the right type of mask,” says Monica Gandhi, an infectious disease specialist at the University of California, San Francisco. Dr. Gandhi recommends a US-certified N95 mask. Or KN95, KF94, FFP2 masks certified in China, South Korea and Europe respectively. If these are not available, double masking (a multi-layered cloth mask tightly layered on top of the surgical mask) is recommended. Surgical masks are polypropylene with electrostatic charge properties that block viruses.

“If everyone just wears a cloth mask or surgical mask, that makes no difference,” she says.

Others in the field say that properly worn high-quality surgical masks provide protection, but also want more data and research on how to confront Omicron.

Certified by the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health, N95 masks have a network of denser fibers than surgical masks and cloth masks. Its tighter mesh, along with static charges within the material, generally makes such masks most efficient at capturing larger droplets and aerosols exhaled by the wearer. They also better prevent such particles from being inhaled.

Properly installed and certified N95 masks can filter up to 95% of particles in the air.

“Any mask is better than no mask, but cloth masks, then surgical masks, aren’t as good as N95 caliber masks,” says Ranudiron, a doctor at Brigham and Women’s Hospital.

Megan Srinivas, a clinician and infectious disease expert at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, says she and other family members are wearing KN95 masks. This mask has 5 layers of overlapping material and fits snugly to prevent water droplets from escaping or entering. She would recommend a mask of the same size for her children to parents preparing to send their children to school in the New Year. If they are not available, she proposes a disposable, licensed surgical mask.

“We need to educate the general public and say that different quality masks provide different protections,” she says.

Graham Snyder, medical director of infection prevention and hospital epidemiology at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, states that a high-quality mask that provides an effective seal, is properly worn, and covers the nose and mouth provides protection.

Dr. Cinder says he wants data from the CDC on how Omicron spreads and whether transmission is related to the type of mask. He is worried about the number of people in the community who don’t wear any type of mask.

“Masking works. Duration,” he says.

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