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Studies estimate the burden of childhood asthma cases caused by traffic-related air pollution

Studies estimate the burden of childhood asthma cases caused by traffic-related air pollution


According to a new study published today, about 2 million childhood asthma may be caused by traffic-related air pollutants each year. This is a particularly important issue in big cities around the world. This study is the first to estimate the burden of cases of childhood asthma caused by this pollutant in more than 13,000 cities from Los Angeles to Mumbai.

Our study found that nitrogen dioxide puts children at risk of developing asthma, and the problem is particularly serious in urban areas. The findings suggest that clean air must be an important part of a strategy aimed at maintaining children’s health. “

Susan Annenberg, co-author of the article and professor of environmental and occupational health at George Washington University

Anenberg and her colleagues investigated the underground concentration of nitrogen dioxide (NO2), a pollutant from exhaust pipe emissions, power plants, and industrial lands. They also tracked new cases of asthma that developed in children between 2000 and 2019. Asthma is a chronic disease that causes inflammation of the airways of the lungs.

Some important findings from this study are:

  • Of the 1.85 million new cases of childhood asthma estimated to be due to NO2 worldwide in 2019, two-thirds occurred in urban areas.
  • The proportion of cases of childhood asthma associated with urban NO2 has recently declined, probably due to stricter clean air regulations enforced by high-income countries such as the United States.
  • Despite improvements in air quality in Europe and the United States, polluted air, especially NO2 pollution, is increasing in South Asia, sub-Saharan Africa, and the Middle East.
  • Cases of childhood asthma associated with NO2 contamination pose a significant public health burden for South Asia and sub-Saharan Africa.

A previous study by GW researchers found that NO2 was associated with about 13% of the world’s childhood burden of asthma and up to 50% of asthma cases in the world’s most populous 250 cities.

Overall, the proportion of childhood asthma associated with NO2-has decreased from 20% in 2000 to 16% in 2019. The good news is that some parts of Europe and the United States have been cleaned of air, especially in neighborhoods near busy roads and industrial lands.

Researchers conclude that more needs to be done as both high-income countries and parts of the world are still struggling to curb harmful emissions from vehicles and other NO2 sources. It is attached.

In a second study by Veronica Southernland at Golden Week, Annenberg and his colleagues found that in 2019 alone, 1.8 million over-deaths could be associated with urban air pollution. This modeling study shows that 86% of adults and children in cities around the world are exposed to levels of particulate matter that exceed the guidelines set by the World Health Organization.

“Reducing fossil fuel-powered transport can ease the breathing of children and adults and can have significant health benefits, including fewer cases of childhood asthma and over-death,” Annenberg said. Said. “At the same time, it also reduces greenhouse gas emissions, leading to a healthier climate.”

Both studies were on January 5th Lancet Planetary Health.





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