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FDA warns against using throat swabs for home Covid-19 testing

FDA warns against using throat swabs for home Covid-19 testing



Why warning?After the case report sore throat With coronavirus infection Early research Suggesting that saliva may be a better way to detect Omicron variants, some people started taking antigen-testing swabs intended for nasal samples to wipe their throats. I started using them. Hometest adjustments were made after people started posting results on social media using the hashtag #SwabYourThroat.

“The FDA advises that the COVID-19 test should be used as permitted, including following the instructions for obtaining samples for testing,” an FDA spokeswoman said this week. I told CNN. “The FDA has pointed out safety concerns about self-collection of throat swabs because throat swabs are more complex than nasal swabs and can be harmful to patients if used incorrectly. Recommends trained care providers to collect swabs in the throat. “

According to the FDA, Covid-19 antigen testing may be less sensitive to Omicron variants, but it is still an important tool.
“This test is designed for the sample collection described in the instructions, so deviations from it will not produce the expected results,” he said. ManHe is also the Chief Medical Officer of Baptist Healthfloyd, Southern Indiana.

People probably won’t stop experimenting at home, but if they are using these tests to make decisions about treatment, quarantine, or quarantine, they “must follow the test instructions. Otherwise, it is not valid. “”

The test maker is paying attention, Volk said. If they find out that there is a better way to collect samples, they make adjustments.

Throat wipes may prove to be an effective way to collect materials for these tests, he said. Stainless steel, Pediatrician and infectious disease epidemiologist at the Graduate School of Public Health. But that data is not yet available.

“There is no evidence or data to support that, but it’s not unreasonable to do that,” Mr. Barmund said. People taking the test “try to minimize the risk of false negatives.”

But is it worth the gag-inducing experience of wiping the tonsils?

“If you think you’re more likely to detect a virus that way, you don’t know.” Dr. Graham Snyder, Medical Director of Infection Prevention and Hospital Epidemiology at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center. “Using the test in a different way than instructed does not improve the performance of the test.

“A lot of data from the whole pandemic shows that wiping the nose is pretty good, so I don’t even know if I need to wipe my throat.”





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